
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Signs you live in the 3rd world - or Memphis

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - When a FedEx package absolutely, positively must arrive safely at its destination in Memphis, you might see extra security tagging along on your next delivery. 

An eagle-eyed Action News 5 employee noticed something different on Thursday when FedEx dropped off her package. Following behind the driver as he made his deliveries was what appeared to be a security officer in an unmarked black car.


MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Driving trucks loaded with packages is becoming more dangerous on the streets of Memphis after a pair of heists Tuesday.

“They say this is a regular occurrence,” said Robert Kwasniewski, a long-distance truck driver.


  1. "A security officer in an unmarked black car". That's like putting a scarecrow in a corn field. Whatever gets the job done.

  2. They are inside the gates... I wonder if Rome had headlines like this before they fell?

  3. As a young teen in the early 80's, I worked for a very small mom-n-pop grocery store. For a while they tried to do some delivery business with me (the stocker/bagger/truck unloader/janitor) being the designated delivery driver. After several trips to the projects to drop off groceries, the boss then sent me back as a collection officer. I actually made it to the second door, discussed the overdue bill with a 400 lb welfare queen who was rather irate, and decided that I wasn't getting paid enough. Went back and told my boss to fuck off or fire me, I didn't care which. They quickly cancelled all future deliveries.

    I wouldn't think a delivery driver would be too bad of a job as long as your town doesn't have a ghetto. But yeah, Memphis.

  4. Can't rob anyone when you're six feet under.

  5. OPk, my question is, with being accompanied by security, what action would this security to if a delivery truck was mobbed by societal outcasts? Open fire? That I doubt.

  6. This shit will stop soon enough when the “Rittenhouse Effect” is the norm. Be The Orkin Man. FFF/22BOH

  7. Stagecoach had a guy riding shotgun with a shotgun.
    Delivery problem addressed.

  8. Guess it's about time for that "Tail Gunner on a FedEx Van" joke.

  9. At some point it will have to be dealt with like they did in the Wild West. Summary executions by vigilantes or death squads as is done in some South American countries. The last Phillipine president had the right idea. Just executed thousands of the Dindus.


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