
Monday, January 22, 2024

That's fucked up

Hot dogs stuck to fishhooks is not something someone would normally think about, but it's become a point of concern in El Dorado Hills. 

The El Dorado County Sheriff's Office is asking residents, especially those with pets, to be vigilant after around a dozen pieces of hot dog were found with fishhooks inside them near a park.


  1. back when I still lived in philly, I had to check/sweep the ally way every time before letting my dogs out. I have found hot dogs soaked with antifreeze before and other meat that was just off like. really, that sounds like a raghead/bro kind of shit.
    after the one dog got sick as anything, we got real careful about just letting them out.
    really don't miss living in philly at all. dave in pa.

  2. On a camping trip our family was catfishing and the family dog swallowed the steak gristle we were using for bait. We called the vet and their advice, that worked, was give the dog gause in small pieces in the hope it would cover the hook. It worked the dog was fine.


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