
Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Coming War of Civilizations

Media coverage of world events focuses on one crisis at a time, as if each was a separate phenomenon. But Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war, the assaults on shipping in the Red Sea, China’s threats on Tawain, the closing of the Red Sea by Yemen’s Houthis, and even Venezuelan plans to conquer much of oil-rich Guyana are not separate events, but highly related.


  1. This is how dictators 'distract' his people from what's really going on in their country.
    Poverty, suppression.

  2. And don't forget in the past few days, Iran shooting missiles and arty into Pakistan supposedly to combat "terrorists" who are attacking them.

  3. All the world's wannabe elite are making an end run to find a good seat when the music stops. They're pouring it on while they still can.

    Hungry's Orban, Argentina's Milieu, La Pen in France, Farage in UK coming back; these are a few examples of the big shift coming like a runaway locomotive.

    Then there is the building ground swell of the people footing their foot down. People are waking up.

  4. This article by Joel Kotkin misses the fact that the conflict we are seeing, and the decline of the US, has been underway for years. A better lens through which to view current conflicts is as being between different international camps' concept of national sovereignty versus global governance. This has been better articulated by others and could serve as additional context for the international dynamics in broader play.

    For example:

    In this article, Patrick Barron reviews the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, and describes how Keynesian economics and modern monetary theory in the US, (which posit that creating aggregate demand (Keynesianism) funded by massive money printing (modern monetary theory)), are undermining the US dollar as a reserve currency, and leading to the establishment of alternative international reserve currencies, that are likely to lead to the end of US hegemony, and possible economic collapse.

    Separately, at The Last Refuge, Sundance's essay on the West versus the Rest expands on the financial dynamics:

    " . . . ideologically there is a conflict between the current agenda of the ‘western financial system’ (climate change) and the traditional energy developers. This conflict has been playing out not only in the energy sector, but also the dynamic of support for Russia (an OPEC+ member) against the western sanction regime, ultimately supporting Russia’s battle against NATO encroachments.

    "The western politicians followed the climate change instructions of the WEF multinational corporations and banks (Build Back Better) and post-pandemic immediately started reducing energy development. The central bankers then began raising interest rates to shrink the economies of the same western nations to the scale of the now diminished energy production.

    "The raising of interest rates is now hitting the national and multinational banks impacted by government policy that was following WEF orders. Now the western politicians are stepping in with the government controlled central banks to backstop the national banks and multinationals."

    "The WEF-following West is suffering the consequences of their own ideological policy as enacted. The rest of the world (especially BRICS) is not going to help the WEF/West get out of a crisis the WEF/West created, which was intended to hurt the rest of the world/BRICS.

  5. "Power grows from the twin pillars of economic and military might, both of which the West has frittered away, largely to the benefit of China."

    If you just disbelieve your own lying eyes, and agree that all my simulatneously self-contradictory newspeak must be simulatenously truthy, you can self identify as smaht.


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