
Friday, January 12, 2024

"Timothy Treadwell, calling Timothy Treadwell....."

LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (KGO) -- Alarm is rising in Lake Tahoe this week over a flyer found posted around the area. It calls for attention to the local bear population, saying things like "the black bears of Lake Tahoe are some of the most marginalized and oppressed species of life."

It goes on to say, "they spend most of their life going from garbage can to garbage can finding it locked due to selfish, heartless human beings...leaving the bear with absolutely no choice but to starve to death or attempt a home invasion."

Finally, the flyer calls on people to "actually feed the bears."


  1. Good meme’s inbound!

    Hopefully some camera’s will be rolling.

  2. “Steven” needs his ass kicked.

  3. Thats not half wrong, they do have a point.
    On the other hand, around here we call that "baiting"

  4. An elderly woman was cautioned to stop feeding bears near Ouray, CO, a few years ago. She persisted, wound up being killed by one.

  5. I'd rather go bare, than bear...

  6. Bear expert, Timothy Treadwell is not available for comment.

  7. I am reminded of what my divorce attorney said about my wife's attorney: "Well, then he must be a complete AND total idiot." Her voice was dripping with contempt.

  8. I’m shocked that y’all aren’t seeing that this is an expert-tier troll about the negroes.

  9. 2nd amendment part b. : the right to keep & arm bears! (had to look up the timothy guy) makes me think of the snubbies ruger alaskan in 454 casull and the S&W 500 Caliber "Emergency Supplies Storm Case” you know for the bears in your neighbourhood. cant imagine shooting such a large cal in a snubbie but did read an article some years ago where some guy was attacked by a bear while walking his dog & he had the casull to put him down with.

  10. Black bears are the most oppressed.


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