
Friday, January 12, 2024

Try explaining that one to your insurance company

Five people were inside a car when it crashed and landed on a roof in Pulaski, Tennessee, on Wednesday. Officials said they all survived.

The Pulaski Police Department said the car was traveling at a high-speed rate Wednesday night on South Rhodes Street, according to WSMV. The car ended up hitting a utility pole up against a house. That house was vacant at the time of the crash.


  1. Happens a couple times a year around my neck of the woods, especially around high school graduation time. 4 or 5 little darlings tearing down the road swerve, over correct and wham. It's usually a tree or stone wall that serves as a backstop. Maybe these incidents should qualify as a mass crash incident and the AAA should be responsible.

  2. One year a few days before graduation a car roll over killed all seven teens in it. A few days later. 4 teens in a car also died in a single car accident.
    Within one week, 15% of the graduating class was gone. As would be expected, the town took it pretty hard.


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