
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

What a shitty way to go

A worker was killed in New York's Long Island Monday after becoming buried in a hole while working on a septic system. 


  1. Couple years ago two men were killed near me here in SWFL in a trench collapse while laying pipe. One was in his 40s and had a family, the other in his 20s. No trenchbox. What a tragedy. I hope their employer pays dearly.

  2. Head of the Harbor is one of the wealthiest, if not THE wealthiest communities on Long Island, and yet they still rely on cesspools, rather than sewers. Half of the island was upgraded to sewers in my youth there, but the other half were left shit out of luck (heh) for a variety of vague reasons. Something to do with crossing major arteries is what we were told.


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