
Tuesday, January 02, 2024

White Pills for the New Year

In politics, as in life, it is important to acknowledge uncomfortable realities. For conservatives in America today, there is no shortage of opportunities to learn this lesson: traditional values are on the wane; progressive ideology continues to shape society; the Left dominates in academia, mainstream media, and the corporate world. As Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out in November’s GOP presidential debate, Republicans have performed poorly in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 national election cycles. Add the recent losses in the Ohio abortion referendum, the Kentucky governor’s race, and the Virginia legislature election to the list.

It is also, however, important to acknowledge comfortable realities. Though equally important, this fact is overlooked by the many doom merchants in today’s conservative movement. Improvement requires learning from mistakes, but it also requires repeating and capitalizing on success. Everyone wants to play on a team that can win. Defeatism is a poor strategy for avoiding defeat. With that in mind, here are five trends playing in conservatives’ favor to give Republicans a “yes we can” attitude going into the 2024 election cycle.


  1. One of the bold section headers needs a bit of fixing ...

    Republicans Are Winning^H^H^H^H^H^H^HFucking Over the Average Working Voter

    There, now I feel better.

    1. Now if only your correction made sense.

  2. Progressive Democrat politicians are the Alpha "top" males. Conservative Republicans are the Beta "bottom" females. Both are playing the same game however and that's lining their pockets, insuring they stay in power and orgasming over their dream of who dies with the most toys wins. It's all about the unique human ego.

  3. i plan on just staying in my urban woodlands region, plant my gardens raise my food like i always have and mind my own business. until the others come to my house. myself and others are set up. it will be a very, very far walk for them to get here, without potable water i don't see them making it this far. but who knows, thats why we plan. we, in our small community stay to ourselves and watch out for each other, we are all family here. it's the grey man thing. one way in across the bridge and no way out is the plan for raiders. FAFO. we will just hunker down for a year.
    lets just pray it never comes to that.

  4. if you don't go out and vote. then you can't bitch. for Gods sakes get up off of your lazy asses and get out and vote.


    1. I agree Anon and I stand in line at 80 with all the other voters. But being a realist and seeing the shit that happened in 2020 after the Democrats figured out how to beat the system and nary a Republican standing up and shouting out fraud except Trump who was accused of trying to overturn the election. Look what they did to Giuliani. As long as the progressives have the Media and judicial system on their side, they'll cheat at the polls with impunity knowing they can crush anyone who complains. I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist who sees the sun coming up in the east and setting in the West.

    2. Nothing has been done to address voting irregularities and outright fraud.
      But yeah vote, because THIS time it’ll be legitimate.

    3. Yes, I will. But I remember a meme I saw recently -

      "Oh, you got a sticker for voting? How nice. A banana gets a sticker for being a banana."

    4. You have it backwards, I'm pissed off at those that did vote...look at who always gets elected!

  5. Every one of those requires voting to work, so, no, we're still fucked!


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