
Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

Florida teen was arrested after he named a local sheriff's office in an inappropriate Snapchat post while brandishing a weapon, deputies said.

Why did he do it? For clout. 

On Dec. 22, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office received an email from the FBI stating that they received a ‘voluntary screenshot’ from Snapchat regarding someone making this statement: 


  1. Modern culture never disappoints.
    Good time off young Wirecutter?
    Best to you and yours; many thanks for this site.

  2. "I'll tell them Volusia County sheriffs to lick my n*** and suck my w***.
    I'm not so current with the latest slang. I'm guessing lick my nuts and what is the W***?

  3. If that is all he said, I can't see how that warrants a charge for written threats to kill and threatening law enforcement. Neither of those statements is a threat. It isn't a crime to tell cops to piss off, or to ask them to perform sex acts.
    I dislike the little hoodlums as much as most, but the cops are even more of a threat than are the little Trayvon wannabes.

    1. All law enforcement is a threat to us.

    2. Gotta nip that lack of respect of authaty in the bud. Otherwise, next thing ya know would be demanding cops do their actual job.

  4. An example we see illustrated many times a day on social media. "Some people are so fucking stupid they don't know they're stupid".

  5. Doesn't sound like a chargeable offense to me. He should have hung a Hamas flag in the background. That would have made him a hero to the left.

  6. If he has any type of decent lawyer and there's nothing more to this, he's going to get a decent payout from this because of a false arrest and deprivation of First Amendment rights.


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