
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

An 81-year-old woman was shot by a deputy late Monday night after she attempted to stab a deputy amid a mental episode, according to the Sumter County Sheriff's Office. She ultimately died from her injuries and was pronounced dead early Tuesday morning.


  1. Shooting her? There weren't any non lethal means of subduing her? For crying out loud, she was 81.

    1. Most non-lethal methods barely work on sane people. On insane people they have a notoriously very very low success rate.

      As to 81 years old, well, gee, see previous statement on insanity.

      I worked at a not-guilty-by-reason-of-insanity mental facility and the 70yo skinny black dude with HIV, HepC, Organic Brain Syndrome and a host of other illnesses would regularly toss around the ex-high school and ex-college football player security staff.

      Insanity brings great strength, oh yes it does.

      Bitch deserved it.

  2. Sad but what else was the deputy supposed to do? Perhaps there was no time for the deputy to pull out (if there was one) the Taser?

    1. Oh sure, the deputy, at belt buckle range, was overcome by the super athleletic, supremely agile octogenarian woman.

      She probably enticed him with homemade donuts.

  3. Suicide by cop? Dementia? Or Magic mushrooms? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Life and death in the Villages.

    1. Rail's End is definitely not the Villages. It's been there for a lot longer than "The Villages" has existed, although I'm not sure whether RE or Orange Blossom Gardens was first. I remember when they were both just little trailer parks. Rail's End never went past that.

  4. OMG.

    Well, I guess the deputy has some stories to tell at the bar Friday night. "It was her or me, and I wasn't getting stabbed that night, I tell you what!" "She moved mighty fast for an 81 year old lady. Swear to God I thought she was a spry 75 at least." "Them old people can be tricky, can't be too careful, you know."

    I'm sure the other orcs will be happy to buy him a few rounds for his troubles.

  5. My dad and in-laws are in their eighties. If you have to shoot someone in their eighties for "lunging at you with a knife" you do not belong in law enforcement. If you lack the physical abilities to outmaneuver and disarm an octogenarian you are definitely in the wrong line of work. You are a gutless coward who should not be involved in any type of employment dealing with public. And anyone who believes any lame-brained bullshit "justification" for this officer's actions is a brain washed idiot. Change my mind. Eod1sg Ret

  6. I’m an out of shape 56 yo has been that never really was …. I have full confidence I could handle an old woman knife or not.
    This is the kind of things that stir up the BLM types . Totally unjustified

  7. “It’s about sending a message”

    You civilians get the memo yet?

    TMF Bert

  8. Obviously none of you fellas ever had a Latina or Native Grandma. I knew a great old lady named Cleo, easily 70+, who could handle a knife better than any thug I knew at the time. One didn't simply stroll into the kitchen and snag a fresh tortilla! Then there's Filipinas...

    1. Or, Velma. 92 yrs when I met her. Smart as a whip, fast as a buck in rut. Kind, sweet n lovin. But boy, don't ever sass her or she be on you like green on grass.
      As a child, she road a wagon from Kansas to CA. She's seen riugh work all her life. Sonny, you don't stack up. She'll punish you with a whole heap of hand made biscuits & gravy.

  9. Knew a guy who was pretty good in multiple forms of oriental martial arts. He took a Japanes Naginata (sword on a stick) class from an 80ish tiny Japanese lady. Who beat the ass of everyone in the class. When she was in her teens the Imperial Japanese Army tagged her to teach all the crumb-crunchers and kiddies how to kill GI Joe with spears, naginatas, axes, sharpened bamboo poles and such.

    80ish tiny grandma. Kicking the crap out of a room full of strong, red-blooded Americans.

    As to my own experience, my mother was kicking my oldest brother around when she was 80. She's slowed down some now that she's 94...

  10. Less than five miles from me. That's getting close, man.


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