
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

Upset that his sandwich had not been sliced into two pieces, a Subway customer allegedly threw the offending hero at a store clerk, striking her with the grub, according to police who yesterday arrested the man for battery. 

Cops say Alberto De Barros, 54, was collared following a confrontation last night at a Subway restaurant near his residence in Stuart, Florida.


  1. I ate at a Subway exactly once. I took a bite, spit it in the trash can and that was the end of that. I love a good Italian Sub. What they make is garbage.

    1. This is my exact same experience. Coming from the northeast where you can actually get REALLY GOOD sub sandwiches- explains why there are fewer Subways in that area as opposed to other parts of the country

    2. Publix Supermarkets make a far better sub than Subway. Fresh, tasty and the employees are (usually) very friendly.

    3. I agree, Publix makes great subs. We’ve stopped getting them from anywhere else.

  2. Better than a knuckle sandwich i guess

  3. Handing it back and saying “ cut this in half please” was too complicated?

  4. I'm from Atlanta but I worked in New Jersey for six years and went to school at Fort Monmouth. I remember the real Italian subs you could get there. Subway ain't it but my wife and I have noticed that quite often a Subway is the first chain to open in a small, wide-spot-in-the-road, town. What turned me off fist was the bread, not Italian bread but just old white bread.

  5. Maybe Alberto De Barros a hot headed Beaner thought he was in a Chipotle

  6. In further news, De Barros is expected to be charged with assault with a deadly weapon because it was a club sandwich.

  7. If I had the time and means I'd love to break into Subways in the middle of the night and put up all of the old Jared Fogle paraphernalia, and make sure it hit the media cycle, just to remind the world that Subway were the ones who enabled him to do all of the horrific things that he and his equally sick "manager" did.

    Want a sub? Find a small local deli and pay a bit extra (well ok, maybe more than a bit but it's so worth it) and get something literally a thousand times better, while supporting a local business instead of a soulless megaconglomerate chain.

    1. A soulless megaconglomerate chain that had the temerity to use Mx. Megan Rapinoe as a spokesthingy

  8. Hard to believe no one had a knife.

  9. In the once-small town I grew up in, my Sunday fun was doing laundry & having a grinder at the small shop next door. Used to eat & study there.
    Not only did they have the best Italian cured meat I ever tasted, (capicola was amazing) cheeses & such, their home made olives & marinated artichoke hearts were delicious as well.
    Alas, can't find stuff like that anymore, anywhere.



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