
Friday, February 02, 2024

All righty then

SAN MATEO COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- With a unanimous vote by the Board of Supervisors, San Mateo County has become the first county in America to recognize loneliness as a public health emergency.


  1. Minister of Loneliness, and his sidekick, the Doctor of Love.

    1. Some call him the gangsta of love. Some people call him Maurice. 'Cause he speaks of the pompatus of love.

    2. Anonymous, I've hated that song since the first time I heard it. Hated it so much I won't listen to anything else that band ever recorded.

    3. The girl's gymnastic squad back in high school practiced every day with the Fly Like An Eagle album blasting. I have a rather, um, sweet association with SMB, therefore, at least post-Joker.

    4. I cannot stand that song either. But I taught my cockatiel to whistle by playing Jungle Love all day when I was at work.

  2. It's only natural that the government, having discovered in 2020 that they have almost unlimited power to address a public health emergency, would make everything a public health emergency, thus granting themselves unlimited power over everything.

  3. And the only way of course to fix this is to raise taxes, leaving the taxpayer not enough money to have a fulfilling life, making them lonely. That in turn of course requires the raising of his taxes...... Don't you just love the left?

  4. I presume this passed at the same time as the legalisation of prostitution?

  5. Proof that loneliness can be fatal. The Feds knew it and that's why Hillary visited Jeffrey Epstein in the lock up. And shortly after she left he became so lonely he killed himself.

  6. maybe they can come up with some kind of emotional support animal , how about a Porcupine ! No , ok how about a Tarantula ? didn't like that one either ? ok this one is great , an emotional support Boa Constrictor ! It'll even give you hugs !! Oh , no snakes ? I suppose an emotional Cockroach is out then . I guess an emotional support Eel wouldn't work ? Well shoot this whole thing has kinds gone to the dogs hasn't it .

  7. The cure to loneliness should be found in church. It's not perfect, but if you don't feel welcome in the first one, try another one. And ask God for some help, too.

    1. Amen

      Your's is a brilliant comment.


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