
Thursday, February 01, 2024

Anarchy in Our Cities: Heather Mac Donald on Law Enforcement and Race

 This is an excerpt from The Larry Arnn Show, in which Hillsdale College President Larry P. Arnn interviews author and scholar Heather Mac Donald. The two discuss the dangers created when American institutions abandon merit-based selection in favor of racial quotas, as detailed in her book When Race Trumps Merit. Later, Mac Donald breaks down the statistics reflecting the startling increase in violent crime in American cities. This interview was conducted on October 28th, 2023.

VIDEO HERE (7:24 minutes)


  1. I think if one asked blacks what the solution was they would tell you to lock the violent ones up and throw away the key. what a pity the press chooses the spokespeople for blacks from the stupidest and most viciously racist and unprincipled black people. You know, politicians.

    1. I was sitting in a family restaurant, when I overheard an older waitress admonishing a young one.
      Apparently, the young waitress thought it a bad idea to have open air drug deals around children.
      The older of the two, kept repeating,
      “You never give a brother up!”

  2. "The Larry Arnn Show"?! Nigga, please! Arnn is an open border, Koch Bros, RINO who was literally run out of CA by the real conservatives when he was an official with Pomona-Claremont College. He orchestrated a "seminar" with Jack Kemp and other RINO corporate whores who were all for unlimited wetbacks. Like Hillsdale, Arnn has no credibility with true, traditional, law-abiding Americans. He and his shills (VDH comes to mind) are just useful idiots for the likes of Blackrock, Koch Bros, and the rest of the Kakistocracy. Sad that.


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