
Thursday, February 01, 2024

Breaking Bad

A former chemistry graduate student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, who was once lauded for his college work, now faces charges of operating a meth lab on campus.

According to Madison County Court records, an SIUE professor noticed something suspicious in the Science West building this past Thanksgiving break. Spectrometer testing revealed alleged byproducts of meth making.


  1. The after-effects of illicit drug production RUIN a house. I mean as in remove all drywall, rugs, redo the HVAC system level of redoing. The fumes are toxic as hell. You can't live in that, and God help you if you rent it out to anyone, especially if they have kids. Take a look at the DEA's dea(dot)gov/clan-lab report so you can drill down to state level data, maybe save yourself from buying one of these hellish things. Know what you are getting into when you buy a place.

  2. I knew this guy in college who was a chemistry major. I swear he was genius level smart. He lived in the town where we went to college. I asked him about making drugs, he said that making drugs was too easy. He was making plastic explosives instead.


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