
Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Commentary: Ban TikTok or Let Beijing Control Our Broadcast Networks, Too

In the dynamic landscape of global entertainment, the influence of Beijing over Hollywood has long been a topic of heated discussion. While the box office power of the Chinese market has waned, giving a breath of creative freedom back to our filmmakers, there looms a new and more pervasive form of influence on Hollywood and well beyond: TikTok. 

Beijing may have lost theatrical market leverage, but it has more than made up for that with an overpowering social media presence that has become an epidemic, not just in Hollywood but throughout the United States. In fact, the Chairman of Congress’s Select Committee on China, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), accurately labels TikTok as “digital fentanyl” and has been aggressively campaigning to ban the social media app.


  1. Maybe some clever Israeli programmers could introduce a virus that only targets TikTok. Better yet, just let it be know that it exists (whether or not it does) and that it damages phones.

    1. How about we punish any foreign government that unleashes viruses be they biological or computer, including Israel.
      The writer's argument falls flat. Tik Tok is not broadcast over the public airwaves. But then the public airwaves carry very little these days, not like when we had 3 channels and rabbit ears. Were we in better shape than when Cronkite ruled the airwaves giving his opinion as news? Giving the government power to determine what we see, hear and read is a danger. No matter what they are "protecting" us from.

  2. Patriot Act or China? Cut out the middle man.

  3. We should just tell Hillary that TikTok has some dirt on her.

  4. Nobody much cares about Fakebook doing the same as TikTok, but I guess that's OK because it's a domestic spy/propaganda system.

  5. I thought the Chinks controlled the American Broadcast networks since Edward R. Murrow retired in the 1950s


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