
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Either Biden Is An ‘Elderly Man With A Poor Memory,’ Or He Needs To Be Charged. Pick One.

As expected, the panel on “Morning Joe” spent today attacking the devastating special counsel report into Joe Biden’s decades-long hoarding of classified documents. One of the arguments made by John Heilemann and others was that the special counsel could have written the report without referring to Biden as an “elderly man with poor memory.”

But he couldn’t have, right? Because then Hur would have been compelled to recommend charges against the president. There is no third choice. Biden can only skate, according to the special counsel, because he’s too feeble-minded to be convicted.


  1. what a completely fucked up world we live in

  2. 2 forms of justice in this country. The democratic justice system where everything is allowed, nothing is illegal and if it is illegal, it's excused. Then there's the Trump Justice system where everything that is legal is somehow illegal and prosecuted.

  3. If you took all the republicans in congress and tried to build a complete spine, I dont think you would come close. I think the republicans are afraid of showing what a feeble minded sellout of his country that biden is. That and the republican leadership is corrupt as he is.

    1. Agreed.
      Trying to find a pair of balls would be just as frustrating.

    2. Looking for them would be worse..

  4. The country's Democrat minders are more obsessed, neurotic, smarter and most importantly don't worry about being reelected because they realize most people are drones who will leap to the voting polls to pull the "D" lever for 2 reasons. #1: The "D" voters believe the Democrats are their guardian angels who will keep giving them lots of goodies to sate their emotions and instant gratification. #2: They believe it when the Democrats tell them the Republicans are the Blue Meenies who will take those goodies away.

  5. Everyone who isn't "diminished" can clearly see Bite 'em has "diminished mental faculties" and all that other shit. For those who doubt he is, simple fix is cognitive test him, since the folks who say he's "o.k." are unable to see the evidence right before their (lying) eyes. Then, when the report confirms what all the rest of the world can see quite obviously, it will be time for every single stupid fuck who's been on t.v. squawking about "he's sharp, and on point, and in control... " to step up, get a cognitive test - and then admit they are either fools or liars. Or, more likely - both. Way past time for us to fight back and pin these fuckers to the wall for their lying bullshit. I know folks don't want to Article 25 him because then we get Kamala; but we got to start somewhere.

  6. Wait, as the great Glenn Reynolds is wont to say in situations like this: "Embrace the power of AND".

  7. I watched one of the Gutfeld guests say something I thought was great.

    At this point, just let it go and see where it goes! Biden 2028!!!

  8. Except he wasn't old and forgetful when he took the documents. There are plenty of elderly men in prison.


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