
Friday, February 16, 2024

Experts expect California's background checks for ammunition law to go to US Supreme Court

The battle over gun and ammunition regulation in California is escalating.

Gun violence prevention advocates say it's saving lives, while gun rights supporters argue it's regulation overkill. 

Experts expect the case that is challenging state law requiring background checks for purchasing ammunition to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. For Bradley Stolfi, he supports common sense gun regulation. 


  1. When one door closes another one opens. Never forget Liberals are neurotic, obsessed control freaks. Once they have a goal, they never stop no matter how long it takes or what they have to do to complete the mission:

  2. "Common sense gun control" is nothing more than trite pandering and has NEVER been based on common sense. It's always been deflection and misdirection.

    Want to lessen gun violence? Don't sell guns to Liberals or their constituents. Statistically, those are the people who commit the VAST majority of gun crimes. Detroit, Chicago, et al are the evidence. Clean up those criminal hell holes and the gun crime rate in this country would be one of the lowest in the world.

    Oh, but that would never do, would it? Liberals will never accede to accepting blame for demanding that the very laws and associated penalties that they fought to have passed should now not be enforced because, well, that would be racist, homophobic, anti-trans, or whatever is considered the latest bugaboo.

    The truth is, they want to disarm the citizens and we all know where that leads. Die on your feet or serve on your knees. It's a choice that every American will eventually have to make.

  3. Last I heard, the state of Washington was about to mimic California's unconstitutional ammunition law and create the same thing in WA, right down to the same 11% tax.
    Funny how that works.
    Screw Russian collusion. I'm more concerned about Progressive collusion.

  4. Wait. They tried this before. And after you hung them ALL, by the necks, until dead, they're back? Like some zombie drive-in extrava... oh? You threw your wallets, made them sammiches, bought them tanks, and thanked them for their service. Why... they must be retarded.

  5. will probably get to the Supreme Court eventually. But the path to that court for any subject or law is generally long, tortuous and time consuming. And the left is betting that by the time the laws they are currently passing get their Justice Thomas and maybe another one will have resigned/died/been strangled and replaced with a more amenable leftist judge.

  6. Grabbed me 1,000 rounds while the window was open.

  7. The filthy commies who control California know they don't stand a chance. Their hidden agenda is to motivate conservatives to fight for second amendment rights rather than donate money to conservative candidates.

    1. With all due respect, conservative candidates don't stand much of a chance in California to begin with, so why not give your hard-earned money to Gun Owners of America? After all, they contribute to the political campaigns of candidates they support as best they can.
      GOA's main problem is that they have so little money to help out with in that regard.

      Fun Fact: The Chairman of the Board of GOA flies coach on commercial flights. Donate to GOA and your money is going to the right place, not to a Beverly Hills haberdasher.


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