
Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Florida mom's OnlyFans car decal leads to kids' expulsion from Christian school

TAVARES, Fla. - A Central Florida mom was forced to drop her kids off across the street from their school after concerns were raised about a decal on her car promoting her OnlyFans account. Now, her children have been expelled from the Christian school as a result.


Their school, their rules.


  1. I guess their little souls couldn't be saved....

    1. It has to do with morals and respect, something that has been lost in America and it shows.

    2. However, the kiddies were saved from The babe's OnlyFan exposed hole.

  2. Can understand a Christian school giving whore dog the boot. Never read the story, just the headline and assumed it was public.

  3. the unintended consequences of the 'look at me, look at me' mentality, self-centered wanna-be white trash ho...she should be on a psychochicks- we've all had em post

  4. 'The letter also cites a Florida law that "makes it a crime for a person to "knowingly exhibit for a monetary consideration to a minor … a motion picture’ or knowingly provide a minor with ‘an admission ticket or pass’ to specific sexual content." The school also referenced another statute that says "an adult may not knowingly distribute to a minor on school property, or post on school property…" '

    Good for the school, but instead of justifying their decision in the above quote, they should have just told her it was 'My Way or the Highway.'

  5. "...a parent or student causing unresolved disharmony and conflict with staff or other parents" could result in expulsion. (vague line from the agreement signed by the parents)

    I get that the school is bothered by the sticker and the implications, but I don't think it's the parent or student but the school staff causing the disharmony and conflict. It's a sticker. And by resolved, apparently, they mean "you will do whatever we tell you to do, or else".

    I think everyone here (except the kids, getting scarred for life) is overreacting, this should have never gotten this far. That's not resolving any disharmony, it's straight up conflict.

    For the sake of the kids, if I were the parent, I would offer (in writing) to cover the sticker during pick-ups and drop-offs. Then the ball is in the school's court.

    1. To what extent will you take a stand for your morals? Is that 'over reacting'?

      You advocate that the mom cover the sticker as a means to harmony. That means is disingenuous to herself and to the school. Is that which should be taught to others, including her own children?

    2. Why would she cover up the sticker?....the hypocritical pseudo Christians are who she is targeting....they are most likely her best customers....including a few of the teachers...just spitballing here....I mean, how would I know....

    3. The school is not "taking a stand" for their morals, they are imposing their morals. They do not share the moral standards of the parents (neither do I, BTW) so they make demands of the parents, then punish them for not capitulating. In my view, that in itself is immoral. Who decides what "should be taught to others"? You? Where does that process end? Not in a good place, no matter who ends up deciding for everyone else. We're allowed to express ourselves here in ways that others may not agree with, it's kind of a thing. What if there was a private school that demanded, as part of the agreement to enroll a student, that all parents must have an only fans account? That's just the shoe on the other foot!

      Try to dictate what stickers I'm allowed to have on my car, you're going to get told where to go. Up the ante and you're apt to find yourself with a fat lip. If we're on your land, that's different. I'll defer to your property rights and park somewhere else.

      My suggestion that the sticker be covered while on school property was intended as a compromise. That's not disingenuous on anyone's part, that's how disharmony and conflict are resolved.

      But you go ahead and tell everyone else what they should teach their kids.

    4. Their school, their rules. If she doesn't like it, she's free to go elsewhere. The spawn were expelled when she escalated the situation and started yapping to the press.

    5. Bottom line, it's their school, not hers.

    6. This is a classic case of FAFO... Mom's not very bright if she thought she was going to win this one

    7. "Try to dictate what stickers I'm allowed to have on my car, you're going to get told where to go. Up the ante and you're apt to find yourself with a fat lip. If we're on your land, that's different. I'll defer to your property rights and park somewhere else."
      Damn dude fap and seethe harder.

    8. No one but one mentioned dictating which sticker. Basic principle has been expressed; abide by school rules or go elsewhere. See that? Free to go elsewhere. No one trying to dictate.
      Don't have a cow, man.

  6. Nothing like poking the bear. I will teach you and get a bigger sticker. Her kids must have interesting conversations at school. I will trade you my air jordans if you set me up with your mom.

  7. Guess she needs to find somewhere else to babysit her little demons.

  8. "Excuse me miss, this is a Christian elementary school, can you not show up with your porn address plaster all over your car?"
    *pitches a fit*
    "You'll have to leave."
    *pitches a bigger fit*
    She does this because it works. She'll have twice as many pathetic simps shelling out for her account, hell, pathetic people here are on her side. It's a private Christian school. What did you think would happen.

    1. Including one pathetic simp here who wrote several paragraphs supporting her low morals.


    2. Looking at porn is faggy and degenerate.
      Paying to look at porn is faggy, degenerate, and absolutely pathetic.

  9. Mom, when do I get my own account. Sorry dear. I have plane tickets for you.

  10. Wonder how many new subscribers signed up.

  11. Meanwhile, her little darlings are at school and hearing comments like "I saw your Mom's hole. Bet it stinks."

  12. She probably did not have her kids there for a Christian based education. Just trying to keep them out of the shitty public schools. During the early 2000's Christian schools in south Florida were growing at a pace of 50% per year. I had a girlfriend back then whose son went to one. Using the Iowa testing standard (one of the best at that time) he tested as being equivalent to the first semester of 8th grade. He was in the third semester of 4th grade. This type of standard is why parents will sacrifice financially to put their kids in a private, Christian school. Parents may not be church going, committed Christians but just want a decent education for their kids.

    1. She doesn't want her spawn around the public school riffraff. However, her kids will have absorbed and imprinted her lifestyle choices, and they're going to be the ones corrupting the other kids, bringing the sex and party favors. Seen this all before.

  13. "judge not lest ye be judged".

    So by teaching the mom a lesson they are tossing the kids chance to learn some Christian morals.

    Yeah, I get it, their school their rules. But as long as she didn't bring the decal on their property it's just being all preachy and shit.
    "Sins of the father" and all that.

  14. I wonder how many "How to Give Head" or "My Best Friend's Butthole" books are in the school library.


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