
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy 1911 Day!!!

 I had no idea the patent date was February 14th. I know I'll never look at Valentine's Day the same way ever again and Lisa can blame WiscoDave for that.


  1. Isn't that interesting. - Nemo

  2. Proof that John Moses Browning loves us.

  3. My favorite handgun. God Bless America and the soul of Saint Browning.

  4. Sweet .45 fave!

    Chutes Magoo

  5. According to the serial number of my Colt M-1911, it was manufactured in 1913, on the second (ever) batch made for the US Army.

    1. I was Unit Armorer for a short while in 1981 in an ADA Battalion in the First Cav. The master data listing for items in the arms room listed the purchase cost of the 1911A1 as $50. Last purchase date was 1945. The M-2 50 cals had a contract purchase price of $9,999 but I don't remember the last procurement date. The M-16's were $333, don't remember that date either.

      We had four rifles marked, top to bottom on the lower, Colt AR-15, XM16E-1, General Motors HydroDynamic Division. Those got recalled while I was signed for the arms room by Division Maintenance and replaced with new rifles.

      Funny the weird shit you remember for no good reason.

    2. Starker here,
      That $50 is about $860 for 1926-45 in 2024 dollars. I wish I could buy a like new one for that.

    3. It would be interesting to know where those "recalled" rifles ended up.

  6. Harken ye heathen to The Holy Gospel of St. John Moses of Browning as translated from the original ancient manuscripts by Fr. Frog that ye may repent from the iniquities of thy tinkering and redeemed from the curse of the plastic pistol.

  7. Ol' WiscoDave sure comes up with some gems, doesn't he?

  8. Since I have had a 1911, every other semi has a shit trigger. I really want a smaller package for summer and can’t get over the terrible triggers with heavy springs. Maybe have to go with a wheel gun

  9. A few summers ago I had a similar awakening. I bought a Sig 938 to carry in my pocket-"just for summer."
    If I ever need it I'll probably cuss myself out for not having my 1911, but that Sig is sure easy to talk yourself into carrying.

  10. I have 2 1911's. One is my dad's carry piece that is a Colt 38 Super in the Commander frame. It is a safe queen as I have no 38 super ammo. I need to trade in my Colt Government 9mm. It has close to 120k rounds through it and the slide is starting to get a bit loose. I have re-sprung it 3 times. It is still a good shooter but it will rattle if you shake it. It has been a range gun for the past 8 years. I am looking at a Hi-power clone as a replacement.

  11. That doesn't look like my 1911, grip angle, safety? Hi power, or something? I, mostly, only know the ones I have.


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