
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Julie Kelly Commentary: Joe Biden’s Handling of Classified Records is Worse than Trump’s Case

According to the report released last week by Special Counsel Robert Hur, Joe Biden has a long history of mishandling classified material. 

Witnesses told Hur during the course of his year-long investigation that as vice president, Biden routinely took classified files and did not return them as required. “Mr. Biden was known to remove and keep classified material from his briefing books for future use, and his staff struggled – and sometimes failed – to retrieve these materials,” Hur disclosed in the special counsel’s damning 388-page report.


  1. FJB is a career criminal extraordinaire.
    Joe being Joe.
    Don't try this at home, kids.

  2. Nothings gonna happen to Joe, Kamala or Obama for that matter. The Democrats know most people don't give a shit about shadow things that don't instantly and directly affect them and their lives. They use it as a control factor. So as long as the peasants have their feel-good entertainment and toys they'll keep their noses buried in their iPhones blitzing, slamming and virtue signaling people on social media platforms. The Survival of the fittest in the jungle has been lifted and shifted to the Survival of the fittest in the internet. The elite chest masters know it and are using it to move the pawns around at their pleasure.

  3. He did not have presidential powers to declassify documents. The guy is a run of the mill spy and should be treated as such. But he has the media, rinos, doj, and judges protecting him as a democrat. It is depressing really.

    1. And why he was a spy was for financial gain with his son hunter.

  4. OK. We know He is senile, just like the 81 million who 'voted' for him.

    1. Henk... none of us is senile enough to believe that asshole and the whore got 81 million votes...

  5. It’s a shame that a Russian Leader gets better gets better World Press than Americas President.

  6. Correction: selling classified material

  7. I'm not sure of the timeline here except that I know that Bribem classified doc's fiasco was outed after the Mar A Lago raid. The timeline I'm thinking of is "did the Eff Bee Eye know about Bribem's classified doc's before the Mar A Lago raid. My gut tells me yes and the Mar a Lago raid was cover for Bribem's crime, which has now been forgiven, while Trump is STILL awaiting trial. Our JustUs system at work.

    Not to mention that the location of one set of Bribem's illegally retained documents, which he had stashed in various places in the mid-Atlantic coast, was in an unsecured building on a college campus the construction funding for which originated in China. That's just as, if not more so, as bad as in his unlocked garage next to his Corvette.

    But hey, he's a kindly old man with a poor memory so let's let him off the hook.


  8. Let's see how simple he gets when the Oily-garghs in Ukraine don't get their 61 billion and release the tapes.


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