
Monday, February 12, 2024

Minute of Water Tower accuracy

PORTLAND, Tenn. (WKRN) — Who’s been shooting the water tower in Portland and why?

Those are the very serious question now being asked by Portland police and utilities officials.

Officials told News 2 they first noticed bullet holes in the water tower on Highway 52 East in September 2022. It’s been happening again this year.


  1. That video though... the shrinking cartridge made me laugh out loud.

  2. Not a good shot grouping.

  3. The mayor was heard saying: "I know they make oil and water based paint, but do they make kevlar based paint"?

  4. "High capacity" or high velocity?

  5. So it becomes a function of the bullet composition, at what range will there be enough retained energy needed for penetration, and at what range the projectile trajectory will hit at close to 90 degrees so it won’t be deflected instead of penetrating….

  6. 338 Lapua? .50 BMG? Someone with a Cheytac proving a point?

  7. You saw the video. It's an AK47 and when it shoots the brass, and everything flies out of the barrel. At least they know the shooter didn't use an AR, that would be bad. It had to be some sort of an 'assault rifle' because nobody with a deer rifle would shoot at a water tower or a sign, or anything other than deer.

  8. Who hasn't wanted to shoot a water tower?

  9. What size magazine was she using?
    She needs at least a ten power magazine.

    1. More like a 12-weight pump clip.

  10. Military insurgency training 101. You damage semi critical assets first like water towers (no tanks no pressure when power is cut off) , traffic lights, atm machines, transportation systems,food delivery trucks, ware house fires, block access to/from fire and police stations. Steal a few cars and trucks park them in middle of road and set on fire.Then you hit the electric transformers and power relays. That's shuts down the grid and your civilization just collapsed.

  11. I have to admit having thought of shooting at water towers but the intrusive thoughts never win. In a related story I was in Alaska looking at the Pipeline once and this cop that patrols up down the line stopped by. He said people shoot the pipeline all the time but nothing had ever made it through the outer steel jacket that shrouds the insulation on the outside of the pipe.

  12. Blaming the problems they were having with the tank (pressure drop, difficulty filling the tank) on three bullet holes is BS. They're trying to cover up some operational and maintenance issues that will get them in serious trouble when they finally come to light. And they will come to light. Dumpng 400,000 gallons of treated water, for any reason, attracts the attention of federal and state regulators like flies to shit.


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