
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Obama 2.0

Michelle Obama has topped Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton in a poll of who Democrats believe could replace 81-year-old Joe Biden on the ticket if he drops out. 

The former first lady's name has surfaced as a potential dramatic late entry into the 2024 race with mounting questions about Biden's age and fitness for a second term.


  1. Somebody is trying very hard to float the idea of a fourth Obama administration - I won't mention any names, but his initials are Barak Obama.

    1. Please include Hussein, or however FUCKING ALIEN CRIMINAL is spelled these days.

      And Michael has only one letter 'L'. And a dick.


    2. @Anon 9:11PM You misspelled Moochelle. - Nemo

  2. She might have to pass a chromosome test ... XX or XY? Otherwise, she might not really be the first female POTUS.

  3. A Fresh Dog Turd would top a list of Gavin, Kamala, Hillary, and Joe.

  4. It's NOT about biden's age; it's about his fitness to do the job in question.  He wasn't fit to do the job when he was installed, and he is even less fit to do the job today.  And none of the people mentioned, in my opinion, are fit to do the job.  The Demoncrats need to try harder to come up with a competent candidate for the job of POTUS.

    1. Thank you, Judy.
      They've tried to make it about age. They've had success in that but its entirely wrong.
      The top reason to make it about age is to use it to curry opposition to Trump.
      A second reason is to promote younger candidates.

      Biden has been mentally deficient for decades.

    2. Do you WANT The Day of The Pillow? Because drooling foolishness like this is how we get The Day of The Pillow?

    3. The Night of the Long CPAPs can’t come soon enough.

  5. As if we weren’t already the laughing stock of the world, a black tranny would seal our fate and descent into a third world shit hole forever. Name me one country run by blacks that isn’t a disaster.

  6. There's a lot of Democrat back room shuffling of the deck going on now and I wouldn't be surprised if some Republicans had their pennies in the pot.

  7. I think it's too late to put her (him) on the ballot in most states. But they cheat so who knows.

    1. A brokered convention after Joe "suddenly drops out due to health reasons" is all the Dems' powerbrokers need to install Mike or Pretty Pretty Gavin. (Or both, with PPG in the #2 spot)

  8. Just what we need. A crazy person in the white house.

  9. How often is there not a crazy peson in the white house

  10. All four of the above people have been sniffed by FJB.

  11. No thanks. We've already had a gay black man in office.

  12. No way Big Mike could handle all the penis pictures and who knows what else would surface if he runs.

  13. Left out of this discussion is that the top choice was "None of these people".

  14. We are screwed. Read the comments. Debates about age, balloting, and competence, penises.
    We are screwed. Yes, I participated because we're screwed, and it is about to get MORE serious. AGAIN. and AGAIN.
    I find it sadly funny to watch.
    Maybe I had a past life as a popcorn seller.


  15. Big Mike supposedly hates politics. I suspect it feels like a real kick in her balls. And as First Beard for her husband, they're making shittons of money at the moment. I can't see an upside for Mike, especially now that Obama's college letters waxing orgasmic about how much he likes the cock have been published.

    1. Big Mike will take the job for no other reason that to see how much he can get over on YT.

  16. And some liberal hack judge orders all of her public records sealed in 4...3...2...1.........

  17. I just don't understand . . .
    She/it couldn't even make it as a man, the roile she/it was born to play. And it's obvious that she/it has been unable to make it as a woman, either; else so many of us would not be calling it out as a fake.
    So why would anyone - with the exception of other mentally-deprived groupies - think she/it will be successful as a president?

  18. because the candidate really doesnt matter, puppets


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