
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Open season. No tags, no limit

Arizona Republicans are advancing a bill that would allow people to legally kill someone accused of attempting to trespass or actively trespassing on their property. 

The big picture: The legislation, which is expected to be vetoed if it reaches the state's Democratic governor, would legalize the murder of undocumented immigrants, who often have to cross ranches that sit on the state's border with Mexico.


  1. Seems fair, what do the cartels (de-facto government down there) to trespassers they find on their turf?

  2. And then the coyotes (human kind) start shooting back...

  3. All ya gotta do is announce that the US Army will machine gun anyone crossing illegally. Wait a few days and begin publicizing the number of illegals shot dead each day. (all fictitious of course) there will be no need to actually kill them, the rumors will stop them from coming.

  4. As it is, without this bill there are ranchers sitting in prison awaiting trial who shot at trespassers and wounded or killed some; the ranchers usually say they were attacked or shot it first, the numerically superior illegals claim complete innocence and the liberal DA believes the later over the former.
    If the bill is vetoed, shoot the trespasser then shoot the DA.

  5. Who needs laws in a judicial system that is completely corrupt? We have the 3S system: shotgun, shovel, silence. And 00 Buckshot is not forensically traceable, so there's that.

    1. Paper patch yer bullets and they aren't traceable either.

      Just sayin'

    2. Actually, they still are. But if the terminal velocity is high enough there won't be any matching, other than to the same alloys as whatever else is in your inventory. Cases are a different case, which is solved by switching out and discarding or defacing all components that mark them, unless the hogs digested them too. Read it on the radio the other day...

    3. OK Gunny Bobby Lee... Remington Accelerator or any othe sabot rounds are out there without fucking up neck tension.

    4. Just make sure you pick up the ejected shells. They are traceable.

    5. Actually, if you paper patch there are few (if any) marks on the bullet. Even if there are some rifling marks, they are indistinct and won't be usable as evidence. Try it before you spout off. Alloys are not enough to point to a specific rifle, nor are indistinct rifling marks.
      Cases? Yep. You are correct. So don't leave 'em.

      Your cell phone data is better evidence.....

  6. I see a revenue stream for ranches on the border. Or is that too dark a future?

  7. If I lived on the border and this was enacted into law I'd be looking for where I could buy me an M2 flame thrower. With that handy device you don't have to worry about disposing the bodies because the wind and rain will remove the ashes

  8. Enough already FreddyFebruary 28, 2024 at 2:10 PM

    About fucking time.

  9. I have mixed feelings about this but that is the Aussie in me I guess

  10. Thinking there’s a future for anyone with a backhoe.

  11. Let's start this with politicians for practice.

  12. Not a single Criminal Trespassing Invader of the United States has any right to anything including their life. They are "OutLaw", one having no recourse or protection under the law.

  13. It is not "legalizing murder". It is defending your property from invasion. Talk about the "woke" narrative!

  14. If I want to install razor wire and claymores on my private property thats my fucking business.

  15. If it passes, can I rent the space for a tent and help out, legally?

  16. Like "path to citizenship" legalizing of, previously illegal, invaders -- it's only murder, any form of murder, if it is illegal, at the time of trial.

    1. An act is a crime if it was illegal at the time it was committed.

  17. Some folks would argue that the governor is an accomplice to said trespass.... Just sayin.

  18. I like the phrase “… who often have to cross private ranches that sit on the border.” Seriously? They “have” to cross private ranches? How about entering the country legally then none of this is an issue.

  19. Always have a pre-dug hole close by, preferably not on your own property if possible......

  20. Illegal invaders are criminals, even damn one of them, and the best thing we can do is rid our country of these vermin. Shooting a couple hundred would help slow the bastards down, killing them all would solve the problem


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