
Friday, February 09, 2024

Rube Burrow

Reuben Houston Burrow (December 11, 1855 – October 9, 1890) was a train-robber and outlaw in the Southern and Southwestern United States. During the final years of the American frontier, he became one of the most infamous and hunted men in the Old West since Jesse James. From 1886 to 1890, he and his gang robbed express trains in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, the Indian Territory and Texas while pursued by hundreds of lawmen throughout the southern half of the United States, including the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.


  1. Sounds like he tried to be a good man but the gods shit all over him. Wasn't for bad luck he'd a had no luck atall. I don't condone what he did but he got throwed a lot of curves early in life.

  2. We are Burrows on my mother’s side of the family.
    We are sort of proud of our outlaw relative.
    We have wanted posters around here somewhere.
    He and Jim went back to farming / ranching after the first few robberies. Drought and locusts sent them back to the ready supply of cash on the trains.
    I have a great photo taken of him in his coffin as he was heading home for burial.
    AR Mike


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