
Thursday, February 08, 2024




  1. Yeah,well...the only thing that axe has been used for?,is knocking in the wedges.

  2. 2 things. Why don't he have his chainsaw plunged into the stump because he sure didn't cut that down with an ax.. And, if you're cutting a tree down, cut it down, don't play games with it. A wedge and felling cut are simpler, quicker and safer

  3. Looks like he wanted to fell the tree in a particular direction.
    These guys are taking notes: (warning - video will suck you in)

    1. That is indeed "suck you in" video. Bookmarked for later. Thanks!

  4. It isn't stupid if it works. A nice way to reduce the angle of fall of the tree if you're trying to miss a pair of houses for example.

  5. Plunging is like Russian roulette, I don't care how good you are at it or how well you maintain your saw, sooner or later you're going to get a kick back. If that happens during a "look at meeeee" moment like this, you're going to feel pretty stupid.

  6. Controlled fall. This is one of several ways it can be done, and beautifully executed.

  7. I watched a youtube video of a guy doing this a couple days ago. I thought he was doing some kind of ice sculpture thing until the tree fell.

  8. That's artistic science right thar! It's not stupid or dangerous if ya know what yer doing and it works.

    1. In my experience I have decided 1 in 10 know what they are doing in any job.

    2. Which is a scary thought, when you're talking about the airline industry.
      And don't get me started on the 'practice' of medicine.

    3. So, according to Mike: Any act, regardless of how stupid or dangerous it may be, magically stops being stupid or dangerous "if ya know what yer doing and it works".

      Believe that, and you're both.

    4. Tree Mike has done tree work and fallen timber his entire life/working career. How many trees have you gotten on the ground, Anon?

      And speaking of being stupid and/or dangerous, you Sir, are both. Because you have absolutely no knowledge of which you are opining about.

      Pro Tip- If you want to sound authoritative on a subject, pick a moniker other than 'Anonymous' and have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the subject on which you are opining, if that's possible. Which I doubt it is.

    5. Second that. I've been watching those vids. I've got a few to fell that need direction, but I think I'll try it on a few easy ones first.

  9. Photo shopped. The rectangular piece between the wedges is nearly twice as wide as the downed tree and trunk. Compare where the center of the heart is to the bottom of the downed log. Now compare the thickness of the white colored sap wood. That downed tree is separate from xxthe slot

    1. Nah. The ground side of the felled tree has been cut. You can see the heart of the rings line up - but the ring are full circular on the sky side, and do not make full circle on the dirt side. Notched for the felling probably.

  10. I was going to say something about the felling technique used here, but reading the comments is too much fun. Please keep them coming.

  11. I don't think so, scooter. That's the real deal. I can even see the beginning of the stump swell on the exposed tang. I never cut 'em like that, but I was in the woods, only had to place it close to where I wanted it, and no streams, roads, or HOMES to miss.

  12. Myself I think the guy was fuckin around and thought it would be fun. I think it's pretty cool.


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