
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

U.S. Census to Ask Questions on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation for First Time

The United States Census is planning to introduce questions on gender identity and sexual orientation for the first time in its history, according to The Associated Press. 

The questions will be sent to 480,000 households and can be answered online, by mail, via phone or during in-person interviews, with only half expected to respond, according to the AP. If approved, the bureau plans to include them in its annual American Community Survey and will ask respondents about their sex assigned at birth and their sexual orientation.


  1. The Census will be getting it back in a condition far removed from it's original condition. Do you have to pay for shit smear streaks? My answer to them is "ONE" I don't answer any other questions about how many bedrooms or bathrooms and how far is my commute to work.

  2. the die people are taking over every govt agency.

  3. I hope i get one. I'm gonna be a Mountain Panda.

    1. dude, I came here just to post that, but you beat me to it. I think all of us should put nonsensical answers. They can no longer bust you for lying, because it's what you identify as that counts.

    2. Michgan doug, yeh, but are you male, female or other mountain panda? I think I’m going to go with “wistful” if asked

  4. So far proposed, but inevitable because the obsessed Progressives will push it just to rub the noses of Conservatives in it and the Conservatives will think it's a minor thing and they have got better things to do like work and enjoy families to put any effective up push back

  5. Can I identify as "tax exempt"??? Asking for a friend.

  6. They can just fuck right off this time around also...

  7. Q1 should be are you an American citizen?

    If not, the census should be discarded and illegals should NOT be counted.

  8. I advise everyone to state non-binary & gay. Like, really. They'll use this to find you the way Hitler used registration to find Jews.

  9. I got mine and round filed it immediately. I live in the middle of everywhere so they probably won't send anybody to my door and if they do, I'll tell them that they lost it or the USPS did....

  10. The "american community survey" is a load of crap.

  11. Elections and installations have consequences. This is but one of them. Our .gov is really jumping the shark here pandering to <1% of the population.

    If I get one, I'm going to write "there are two genders BFYTW" in large marker on all of the pages and drop it in the mail. These people need dirt naps.

  12. If some goblin asks for my pronouns I'm going to reply with...General Turgidson

    Chutes Magoo

  13. My pronouns are Lord/Master.

  14. My pronouns will be "I" and "Me" and I insist that they are used. From that point on, they will have difficulty having a conversation with Me.

  15. The census of '90 was a 4 page wipe and I answered only the most basic info. The gubmit sent a supervisor to my house a couple of months later. The silly hag had a questionaire to fill out as to my reasoning, etc. I pointed to a copy of the U.S. Constiution and Bill of Rights framed right behind her seat. Told her thank you for attending this meeting and showed her the door.

  16. I just throw that crap in the trash, none of their damn business

  17. I think if a census taker tries to test me, I’ll say I identify as Hannibal Lector.

  18. I get the long form just about every time, and I tell them what they are constitutionally allowed to ask. My name, my wife's name, my disabled sons name. They don't need to know how many bathrooms are in my house, what my taxable income was last year, how much my mortgage payment is, or any of the other silly assed questions they have in there. I just got a return telling Me to refill our the questionnaire under penalty of law, completing the portions I didn't fill out.
    Fuhgem, they can go jump off the bridge for all I care.

  19. I identify as masked. My pronouns are "fearful" and "stupid"

  20. I identify as masked. My pronouns are "fearful" and "stupid"

  21. I identify as Ukrainian.
    Now where's my money?

  22. I got an American Community Survey some time after I built my house and moved in. After talking to someone who ensured me that my response was required by law and that I could face serious sanctions if I failed to respond, I answered. For every question they asked, I hand wrote a response "it is in the public record". I never heard another word.

  23. It's nice to know they're being accounted for. Just think, when China takes over, they can easily be rounded up for "re education"

  24. "sex assigned at birth"? The word "assigned" makes it sound like it's a choice rather then what it is. Words have meaning....

  25. Whenever I get forms with barcodes (like census or questionnaires) I get a fine permanent marker and carefully fill-in random spaces trying to not fill-in the same gaps on the different pages. Scan barcode with phone to make sure it is not readable so whoever is processing it has to enter the tracking numbers manually.

  26. "only half expected to respond"

    I'm sure the results will be accurate.

  27. If there is a stupider phrase than "sex assigned at birth" it has a mighty high bar to cross.

  28. Like the census just fill in number of people in house hold & that's it.


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