
Friday, February 09, 2024

VDH Commentary: The Absurd Democrat Border Con

In 2021, Joe Biden opened wide an inherited, secure southern border that had finally stopped mass illegal immigration.

When he overturned Donald Trump’s efforts, a planned flood of over 8 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S.

Almost all arrived without background checks, health screening, or vaccination certificates—but with massive needs for free housing, education, healthcare, and food entitlements and subsidies.


  1. I don't know what all the fuss is about. After all, "The border is secure..." - Kamala Harris, Sept. 2022.

  2. I do not understand the objection to the planned infestation of third world illegals interpenetrated with fighting aged males and terrorists of innumerable amounts....I mean, come on,'s an oshithead plan...all they are waiting for is the order to come down to start the won't be long after the election if the democrats fail to rig the election enough, as in 2016, and Trump wins....oh, and don't forget....Martha's Vineyard is off limits....

  3. We must not forget the majority of emotionally reacting Americans either want the "give me your poor masses, but not in my neighborhood" because they're virtue signaling, feel good socialist assholes or they don't give 2 shits because they're enjoying their instant gratification toys like swimming in the social media swamp and buying toys to prove to themselves they're better than anyone else.

  4. "Fuck Joe Biden" just isn't enough anymore


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