
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wait - I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas?

LAS VEGAS -- Some tourists staying at hotels on the Las Vegas Strip may have returned home with unwanted guests: bed bugs. 

At least four guests staying in popular hotels on the Strip encountered the pests in their rooms between September and January, according to reports.


  1. Having owned and operated a motel, I can tell you that no matter now clean your rooms are, no matter how diligent your housekeeping is, it happens.
    Bedbugs travel on people, on luggage, on clothing. Lost of times people are unaware they are even carrying them.

  2. With millions of invaders, you dont know what you will catch at a hotel. They are given money to stay where ever. Or the hotel is given money to take them.

  3. Before DDT was banned, bedbugs were entirely eradicated in the U.S.
    They've come back in the last couple decades attached to international travelers and the glut of foreigners coming here.
    I think a few softened eggshells would be worth the risk of another round of ddt dusting.

    1. What started the new rash of bed bugs is the federal government set the max temp of industrial washers at 120 or so degrees. 150 to 160 degrees kills bugs and their eggs, 120 just annoys them.

    2. One motel I used to frequent boasted a "Bedbug sniffing dog". Owner had a beagle that could sniff the little bastards out. Had to train it like a drug/fire dog by only feeding it after a successful search. He kept bedbugs in jars with perforated lids for the purpose.

  4. If a hotel operator says they've never had a bed bug problem, they're lying. It happens and the better hotels have someone spray for them "just in case".

    1. The problem is that most preventative treatments (sprays) don't really work all that well.

      But your first statement is 100% true and correct.

  5. What you catch in bed in Vegas comes back with you though :)

  6. Ahhh, Vegas......
    Come for vacation, leave on probation

  7. Bedbugs are everywhere. I saw them in a 5 star hotel in Paris, France. (A group of students got them and me, being the resident veterinarian/entomologist, got to confirm what they were.)


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