
Tuesday, February 06, 2024

‘We Are Under Attack’: Tennessee U.S. Reps. React to DHS Notice of Nearly 600 Illegal Aliens Being Transported to Tennessee

A group of Tennessee lawmakers have spoken out denouncing a notice sent by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last year to the City of Franklin advising the possible influx of nearly 600 illegal immigrants to Middle Tennessee. 

The notice, dated as the week ending September 16, 2023, and titled “Intended Destination of Noncitizens Processed at the Southwest Border,” said it was sent “for planning purposes,” notifying the cities of Nashville, Davidson County, Murfreesboro, and Franklin that a total of 573 “noncitizens” from Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, and Mexico intended on traveling to the area following their release from DHS custody.


  1. Put them on the next D.C. bound Greyhound.

    1. give them a pop and send them onto Chicago. Its crumbling under the influx. The Demo National Convention will be in Chicago, fill it up. What magic will the Mayor pull to hide all of them so he can display the(once) beautiful Chicago?

    2. yep, transfer tickets for all.


  2. The 600 will get there. They be given lots of goodies paid for by taxpayers. Some will commit crimes. NGOs will campion the illegal immigrant’s "rights" and the Republican politicians will do nothing but bluster, pontificate and continue to whine it's the Democrats fault. For the records and FBI listeners I am not suggesting deadly violence by some patriot citizen individuals. In reality it's not because I disapprove of terminating invaders of the country since I'd shoot some criminal motherfucker if he or she broke into my house, but because it ain’t gonna happen.

  3. DHS announcing the arrivals of ILLEGALS?
    DHS would NEVER use that word, they are better known as "Next November's Voters".

  4. Stop the bus at your state border. Arrest the bus driver, toss his ass in a deep deep jail cell. Put a spec 4 with a bus license in there and a few more spec 4s with M4s, and a E5, and a map to the closest border crossing back into Mexico. Send the fuel bill to DHS. Oh and any DHS personnel tagging along with this bus. Arrest them too.
    This can all be stopped on the border. At some point men will stand on our border and repel the invaders.

    1. All but the part about arresting the DHS people. Take their IDs and keep them on the bus. Let them figure out how to get home from Mexico.

  5. I live in Texas. 600? We get that every half hour.

  6. A whole 600, huh? Maybe they should write their representatives a letter.

    1. Don't assume that's all we're getting. Those are the ones being sent here and not the ones that came on their own after Biden's admin processed and released them. We've seen a huge increase in illegals here in eastern TN over the past couple years.

  7. Maybe some of the good people of Tennessee will come down and help fight for Texas. Again.

  8. Welcome party by Smith and Wesson.

  9. Honest question, but askin' for a friend: Can the State of Tennessee declare open season on these illegals and pay a bounty on every body dragged to a county courthouse? Just wondering....

  10. What part of "NO" do they not understand?

  11. Round up the Fedbois and the Criminal Aliens and depor them all!!!!

  12. Fuck that.
    Open fire.


  13. This is an opportunity for the legislature. The best way to discourage illegals coming to TN is to pass a law simply stating that anybody receiving any state assistance -- of any kind -- must prove citizenship. That will get people out and moving to sunny California in a New York minute. And, frankly, the ones who don't want public assistance don't worry me.

  14. Hey Ken, your life about to be enriched!

  15. Looks like it is time to stop sending money to the UN and start demonizing the NGOs who help them.

  16. The easiest way to stop a bunch of this crap is to put anyone who hires an illegal (to include homeowners at the Lowe's) in jail for a mandatory minimum of 30 days.

    The freebies don't last forever, and if paco and Hector get shunned from one end of town to the other, they decide to seek "better climes".

    This will never happen.

  17. They said letting in "only" 5000 in a day would be making progress. That's like writing a bill saying we'll only let in 50 pounds of fentanyl a day instead of 200.


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