
Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Commentary: The Left’s ‘Christian Nationalism’ Fearmongering Is Untethered to Reality

Is America on the verge of establishing a theocracy? The Left’s recent warnings about the rise of “Christian nationalism” suggest that a powerful, conservative Christian cabal is pulling the strings behind the scenes to forcibly convert the entire nation, or something. 

In the past week, Politico’s Heidi Przybyla has been hammering the drum on this issue, first claiming—apparently without concrete evidence—that former Trump administration official Russell Vought has prioritized “Christian nationalism” by name in documents for a potential Trump second term, and then defining Christian nationalism as the doctrine that rights come from God, not government.


  1. How much do you wanna bet that at one time or another that sign at the Glendale United Methodist Church read 'Black Lives Matter', 'Trans Rights are Human Rights' and 'No Human Being is Illegal'?

  2. Standard for the Left's destroy the enemy (traditional America) by any means necessary. Fear mongering is part of their "the end justifies the means".

    1. Too funny. The fear mongering they have been employing seems to be turning on them and they can't stand the thought of people waking up. Waking up being different than woke. People are finally saying enough and the left cant allow that.

  3. Notice that immediately after the Christian Nationalism label came the White Rural Rage tag?
    - WDS

  4. When has the left eve been tethered to to reality?

  5. They are afraid people could realize the truth. Liberty is unalienable . A government that assumes otherwise is unconstitutional and or democratic in nature.

  6. In 2008 and 2012 I was a racist. In 2020 I was a white supremist. Now I am a christian nationalist. If they dont make up their minds I am going to have an identity crisis.

  7. Ummm.. Isn't that what the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution specifically state: that all our "Rights" come from our Creator?  So Heidi wasn't paying attention in her US History or Civics/Government classes?  Or did she go to a school district that didn't feel that was important enough to teach?  

    1. D-of-I : "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are ..."

    2. The goal is to demonize that concept. If people believe rights come from the government then it's okay for the government to take those rights away.

  8. Well it's been said "without God there is no bottom to the barrel." I truly believe that after seeing this mess that was the FUSA.

  9. If white Christian Americans were half as dangerous as the blithering idiots on the left wished, the left would already be extinct. That said, a time comes when folks feel compelled to EARN the reputation they're accused of having. Me? I hope it happens soon and I hope we get lots of video.

  10. Christians are the Cossacks for the 21st century.


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