
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Commentary: Opposing Illegal Immigration Is Not About Race

Over there at the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters, managing editor Curtis Houck has published the oh-so-typical latest from the leftist swamp that is MSNBC. 

The transcript of a segment from an MSNBC show is, no kidding, as follows:


  1. I love the claim that these "undocumented whatever" don't commit crimes at a high rate. Guess what? By crossing the border illegally, they've ALL committed a crime. I didn't care what country they're from or race they are... There are legal channels to enter the country, and lots of people going the approved route having to wait because these law breakers.

  2. How hard do you suppose they had to search to find a stock photo of what is clearly a White male being led away in handcuffs? Have they upgraded the AI algorithms that fast, to allow depictions of YT in unflattering situations now?

  3. I don't care what the age, color or social status the person who breaks into my house is. I'm an equal opportunity burglar killer and the same should apply to criminals breaking into our country.

  4. A "voter" in Mexico can NOT vote without a valid ID... They must come to America to vote WITHOUT an ID... Let that sink in...

  5. White America was Best America.

  6. Diversity is OK. 40, 357, 30-30, 9mm, even 22LR. All useful for the invasion.

  7. Fuck "illegal". "Opposing immigration is about preventing the utter destruction of your nation." Simple as. Immigration is war.


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