
Friday, March 15, 2024

FBI director warns of 'dangerous individuals' coming across southern border

Amid a bitter election-year debate over illegal immigration, FBI Director Chris Wray told a Senate panel on Monday that dangerous individuals have entered the United States illegally at the southern border. 

"We have had dangerous individuals entering the United States have a variety of sources," Wray said at the annual "Worldwide Threats" congressional hearings at which the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies testify.


Yessir, he's right on top of things, isn't he? The Border Patrol and damned near everybody else in the States has been screaming about this for almost 4 years now, and he's just now decided it's a fact?


  1. No shit Sherlock

    1. Or as my dad used to say....No shit, Tom Mix

    2. I've never heard that one

  2. And when states on the firing line (e.g. TX) want to do something about it, such as install razor wire, FJB rings them to court to get a ruling that immigration is a federal matter, not something for the state.

  3. Boy, these guys are rocket surgeons.....

  4. Lets decode this with our magic decoder ring! We are planning to use the mass of illegal criminal boarder crossers to kill Americans and take away more of your Freedoms and Liberties!

  5. Mr. Wray, accomplices at any level of government, and others of his “Fellow Travelers” will be hung by the neck until dead hopefully in the not to distant future, (hung, shot, impaled, drown, burned alive, and my favorite The MOBARK). Folks make you list of local collaborators now. All these traitors have names, faces, families, addresses, and routines. Record this data for later use.
    Saber 7

    1. Thank you; my eye was starting to twitch.

  6. May a rip crew of Venezuelan invaders visit Chistopher Wray's suburban Virginian home some night and perform a no-knock search of the premises while he stands by in his freshly ironed jammies.

  7. Wray is a traitor! May he burn in he—.


  8. The FBI douche is saying this now to con the dumb citizens that there needs to be lots of draconian action to prevent the evil terrorists at the border. The dumb citizens like the emotional reacting sheep they are will look up from their smartphones and applaud then look back to post remarks about how great the government is. In the meantime, Wray will smile, rub his hands together whisper: "Little conservatives, little conservatives, now you've given me the key and I can let myself in. Shortly after the little pigs who are about to be eaten will whine: "That's not fair you've tricked us again"…Remember the National Security act after 9-11?

  9. All of the truly dangerous people live and work in and around DC.

  10. Another stellar pick for upper management.... /s
    - WDS

  11. "We have had dangerous individuals entering the United States have a variety of sources," 
    ok, now, asshole Wray... who's fucking job is it to stop it? We don't pay you to tell us shit we already fucking know. We don't pay you to "monitor" the situation, report on it ad nauseum, or shove paperwork around and harass citizens who were exercising their Constitutionally-guaranteed right to protest and petition their government for redress of wrongs. Nope, asshole.
    Quit lying and do your fucking job. Ensure every fuckhead that works for your department does their job. If this is too much to ask, the door you entered will also lead you out.

  12. World trade towers in a different context-you can kill a few here & there to achieve body count; doesn't get the temporary public outcry that a mass murder does.
    That's why people don't bother calling the cops anymore. even if they show up, the likelihood of dead dogs, or people, or arresting the wrong person makes it a dubious proposition.
    Citizenry on its own, as usual.


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