
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Supreme Court won’t intervene to let Texas students host drag show

The Supreme Court will not intervene to let students at West Texas A&M University host a drag show while their First Amendment lawsuit against a similar show’s cancellation is on appeal. 

The court on Friday denied the students’ request for emergency action so a charity drag performance set for later this month could go ahead. The students have claimed that an order preventing drag events on campus violates their constitutional rights.


  1. Irving J ItchuballsMarch 19, 2024 at 3:56 PM

    Suck it libs, just suck it. Texas winning again. On another note SCOTUS sez TX can enforce SB 4 and Joe OBiden and his corrupt Globalist Admin can't do squat about it.

    1. Since when does FJB listen to the Supreme Court?

    2. Phrasing, as Archer used to say.

  2. Your freedom if speech does not trump my freedom of association. DIAF, asshats.

  3. Drag queen shows at an Agricultural and Mechanical college in West Texas...
    Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

    1. These are the vanguards. It is a common commie tactic. They show up, make a scene and play the victim. Look beyond the meat puppets and take note of who pulls their strings. Informative, if you look.

  4. if it's just adults? don't care. knock yourselves out.

  5. (pink floyd the wall)
    we don't need no drag queen stories
    we won't let our kids be fooled
    no gay transvestites in the class room
    pervert leave them kids alone
    hey, pervert, leave them kids alone
    all in all, you're just another sick old homo
    all in all you're just another sick old homo

  6. and who would be paying to have the mentally ill sashaying across the stage?


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