
Monday, March 18, 2024

Vandalism or public service?

WEST SACRAMENTO — There was a pothole protest along a busy West Sacramento street where CBS13 discovered a vandalism spree stretching more than a mile long.

Taking a drive along Sacramento Avenue earlier this week, you may have noticed someone used white spray paint to tag the pavement, but this wa not your average urban graffiti artist.

The tagger drew circles around every pothole along the avenue, and there was a lot.


  1. Gotta love the last paragraph. Reducing lanes just means more wear and tear on the remaining lanes, exasperating the problem.

    1. That's one of the hundreds of common government bureaucrat statements when a low level worker pushes the excuse button on his computer.

  2. Careful when you want the city to help. It is never good. "set to redesign Sacramento Avenue this year, which will reduce lanes and expand sidewalks and bike paths"

    1. Yes, that did that to my mid-sized town last summer. It is like this: Sidewalk, unchanged, a two-way bike lane the width of an auto lane, then a parking lane (feels like the middle of the road) and two driving lanes (one way) and then another parking lane.

      Now image this two, one-way driving lanes with parking on each side when someone needs to park, you are down to one lane, if people are parking on both sides...dead stop traffic. This was a 3-lane one way with parallel parking on each side. Easy to dodge parkers. Not any more.

      Also, we have many, many hills which make for very few bikers. Also, the city bikers are pissed because they didn't ask for this and now every hates bikers even more.

  3. Those aren't potholes! They're minor surface irregularities that would only damage low-riders on 22 inch rims.

  4. That is a typical response by a city....remove the paint.

  5. Calling that "vandalism" is like calling a person wading out of a convenience store with a case of drinking water a "looter".

  6. The city put their tax dollars to work and fixed it, by removing the paint. CA people deserve it.

  7. The money they wasted power washing could have fixed at least dsome of the holes.

  8. So the city somehow found the department of public works resources to get work crews out on the road within 48 hours - TO REMOVE THE SPRAY PAINTED MARKINGS - but NOT to fix the *******ed potholes.

    Think about that for minute. They fixed the ”problem” of their being called-out and publicly embarrassed for having roads in such awful condition - but did NOTHING to fix the actual road.
    This is government at work. These are the people who are going to try and kill many of us one day. Plan accordingly.

    1. Their problem was the paint as it looked bad... they fixed that.

  9. How many times have the taxes been raised in order to fund infrastructure, only to be used for something worthless. The only holes that are bigger than the potholes in Sacramento, are the hples in peoples heads who keep voting democrat.

  10. Important to remove the paint. Not important to fix the potholes. Got it.

  11. Fill them in with illegals.


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