
Monday, April 08, 2024

A sad situation all the way around

The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office has now released body camera footage showing an 82-year-old man setting himself and his home on fire before trying to ignite deputies. 

Oklahoma County Sheriff Tommie Johnson III said two female deputies went to a home on Flamingo Avenue to serve a elderly couple with an eviction notice.


  1. So why the eviction notice? Not paying property taxes?

    1. More than likely. Instead of helping the couple (fund raise on social media, etc.), bullies were happy to take.

  2. Replies
    1. Probably taxes. Here in Houston we had an 80+ yr old have their home taken over late HOA fees. Think they lost a 150k home over $800. Her husband had recently died and was in charge of paying.

  3. Very sad alright. The real sad part is seeing this elderly guy being evicted and that elderly demented asshole and his pieces of shit family in the white house fucking over America and making millions in the process.

  4. At least they were able to take the property from the couple.

  5. and we give free f**&^$%ing housing to illegals

  6. Found it.

    Wenonah Blevins, an 82-year-old widow, had lived alone in her Champions subdivision house for 15 years with the fear of opening her door at night.

    On April 10, she opened her door during the day to discover what she never would have imagined -- a constable with an eviction order and a moving van to take her away from her $150,000 home, which was paid in full.

    "It has been just like a hideous nightmare," Blevins said of the past month. She now is staying with a friend.

    Over the next few days, Blevins would discover that a check for more than $800 she wrote to the Champions Community Improvement Association in August, for two years' worth of dues, had never been cashed.

    1. Iirc, the home was bought by a vulture for $5,000.

    2. People need to be publicly sent to the guillotine for that.

    3. But she did get it back,

  7. Blackrock really didn't want to have to wait any longer to demolish the neighborhood and build multi-unit housing for migrant invaders. In 10 years I've gone from being a fanatical devotee of Milton Friedman, enjoying Ayn Rand's work, and wanting Marxists fantasizing about a giant woodchipper, with a massive hopper full of Marxists, bankers, and the boards of the majority of massive corporations, alongside all the pedophile satanists who run the world today. Fuck Marx, but fuck debt-based fiat-currency too. And God have mercy on this poor gentleman's soul.

    1. The problem is that there are only a dozen corporations, and Blackrock owns half, and Vanguard owns the other half. Of course, Vanguard is owned by Blackrock and Blackrock is owned by Vanguard...if you think I'm kidding, look at their sharehold reports to the SEC.

  8. A sad truth is that, even if your house is "paid for," you really owe taxes and fees to enjoy that property forever. There is no rest for the productive class, as the parasites, leeches and ticks that feat on the pure essence and lifeblood of Americans are more honored by the powers that be. There is zero incentive to follow that playbook now for Americans. There IS huge incentive to the parasites, leeches and ticks however.

  9. Maybe you should help. You know, instead of making fun of okies and linking tragedies to increase the clicks.

    1. Maybe you should kiss my ass. I didn't make fun of anybody in this story, in fact I even captioned it as being a sad situation.
      As far as clicks go, I could give a shit less. I don't make anything off this blog whether I have 50,000 clicks or 5.

    2. Maybe you should get out of that basement occasionally.

    3. You sir, are a complete douchebag!


    4. Anonymous puddle of urine at 12:51... I stop in as I can, because I often enjoy reading what I find here; despite the occasional fucktarded imbecile such as you, who apparently doesn't know how to just move along... apparently, your comment has made me do the same...
      Anyway, fuck you... you're probably Scammy anyway haha


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