
Friday, April 12, 2024

Anti-Israel Activists Planning Multi-City ‘Blockade’ on April 15th With Aim of ‘Causing the Most Economic Impact’

Anti-Israel activists are planning a multi-city protest that will block streets, ports and other choke points with the goal of causing disruption and economic pain. 

The plan is to do this in cities throughout America and around the world.


  1. Yeah, because nothing screams support my cause more than "lets make peoples lives as miserable possible, while we whine like the spoiled children that we are"!

    1. I know of one instance years ago in which a large factory was the target of a sabotage campaign. It turned out that the plan was to force the factory to close so that hundreds of jobs would be lost, making peoples' lives worse. The disruption and economic pain was supposed to speed up the Revolution.
      Radicals in all levels government (collaborating with academics, NGOs and street thugs) are now doing what the saboteurs of sixty years ago only dreamt of.

    2. That’s one of the most wicked things I’ve ever heard of

    3. Something like 20 years ago a Australian construction union watching a building site waited until the foundation had been half poured, then called a strike. By the time they decided to 'enter negotiations' the concrete had set, so they got paid for breaking it up and redoing the prep, then, at the halfway point, did it again. Repeat.

      Third time they did it, the company declared bankruptcy because "We're broke from redoing the damned foundation twice." Then the effing union tried to sue them for 'putting all our members out of a job.'

  2. I'm wondering if they will have location and times posted somewhere. Ya know, so those who wanna help know where to find them.

  3. Charlie, that's the civic minded spirit so often lacking in these troublesome times. Just remember, spent brass is considered littering. So police up after yourselves.

  4. Don't any of these people have jobs?

  5. It promises to be a major league cluster fuck alright. You can bet the MSM will take the "low road" and will be on the job saying it was mostly peaceful "disturbances" because the oppressed were just expressing their 1st amendment rights by protesting Israeli genocide.

  6. Round the mfkrs up, send 'em to Gaza, and ask Bibi to hit them "by mistake".

  7. You should think about this in another way. This shows a knowledge of and upgrade in tactics, control the choke points it reduces your force numbers needed and brings your enemies to your choice of battlefield and where you want them. That's military 101. So upgrade your response plans accordingly...

  8. Hahaha! Blocking traffic on tax day?! There will be some serious protester ass kickings!

  9. Wax your bumper so they slide off and not pile up. And dial 911 because you have an emergency and on your way to the hospital.

  10. I just want it documented somewhere that my gas pedal has been sticking.

  11. Times like this is why I wish I lived near a city. Paint blue streaks on my 4x4 truck made of all American steel and shout, Freedom! while engaging the enemy.


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