
Monday, April 29, 2024

Are The Chinese Preparing To Start A War? - Yes They Call It "Volt Typhoon"

New reports of military-age Chinese males coming across the border and then disappearing into the interior are everywhere. There are concerns that at least some of these individuals are saboteurs and intend no good. Is this paranoia or are the Chinese preparing to start a war? Are they focused on bringing the fight to our shores?


  1. “Military-age” meaning what exactly? Between 16 and 60?

  2. If all of these foreign assholes - or even some of them - mean to do us harm, the males in this country between 16 and 60, hell; 70 because I'm in - had best be ready for a fight. Because they sure as fuck won't like the result of not fighting.


  3. Besides being distracted and numbed by bread and circuses Americans are ideology polarized, fighting over illegal aliens or undocumented residents, homeless bums or unhoused residents, race, religion and gender. In the meantime, all the Chinks want to do is rule the fucking world and they don’t give a shit about how many people are exterminated.

    1. How do you know they want to rule the whole world? The US said that about the Kaiser, about Hitler, about Saddam, about Noriega, about Ghaddafi…they simplify every clash of national interest as “this madman wants to take over the world!” It just seems very far-fetched.

  4. If the Chinese start with sabotage or a slaughter, the death toll of all the Chinese in this country, no matter how long or citizen or not will be incredibly high. Anyone even remotely chinese looing will be under a death threat. People will be indiscriminate in their hatred.

    1. You mean the same folks either supporting Hamas or just ignoring them are FINALLY going to DO SOMETHING?

      I could list a few dozen other outrages in the past two years but why bother?

      I suppose when the Chinese openly start robbing us we will suddenly start shooting.

      Wonder why we stood down for everything else.


    2. Because Communist China has openly declared ALL Chinese, regardless of how long their generations have been out of country as Chinese, I agree the separation of who is a Patriot and who isn't may be extremely difficult. This may be a task left for our Rooftop Korean friends. When the inevitable happens, the first task will be to eliminate the direct threat - the illegal Chinese; then it is critical to completely eradicate every last one who was participating in this invasion, and that means most of those in political circles and pretty much 98% of the letter agencies; then we can go after the remaining illegals, giving them a choice of going back or going under.
      The West needs to finally draw a line in the sand, and NOW. When you have someone who is constantly encroaching upon your life and your family's life, there are no Rules of Engagement - only absolute victory. We can never permit them to invade and submit to a later peace agreement, because they will never honor their own word - ever.
      Then when we are done, turn every major city in Communist China into glass, then flood everything with a tactical strike on the Three Gorges Dam.

  5. Dog and cat meat shops openings in the Midwest like cwazy.

  6. Won't be too hard to target those slant-eyed fucks through a scope.

    1. What about those that were born here or came here legally? I've known some fantastic Chinese people who worked hard for a better life and succeeded. Will your scope be able to tell the difference between them and the illegals that came here to destroy our Nation?

    2. Exactly, in my MAG I have a solid American born Chinese Couple, he served with me in the Sandbox and I'd be pretty harsh (as in feed the woodchipper harsh) on any dweeb trying to harm him or his family.

    3. exactly. Thing is, if "Chinese" people start doing sabotage, then many people will not discriminate.

    4. I really think race is gonna be the divider if it kicks off here. Ethnicity will be a 2nd tier targeting aid. The chinese start shit and the japs, koreans, thai, philipine, whatever will pay the price.

    5. In a total war situation, are you going to bet your life on "good" and "bad" tags, or are you going to fight for the survival of you and yours?
      It's simple...don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.

    6. Except that the Chinese and other Asians that have been here for generations aren't the ones that are going to be starting anything.

    7. If I get stung by a wasp, I don't hunt down the one who stung me. I locate all nests in my range and destroy them.
      I will react the same when it comes to war.

    8. Well, you be you then. I just find it odd that the post was about military aged males coming into this country illegally, but you twisted it around in your mind to justify cold blooded murder of any and all Asians.

  7. Why don't the muslims draw such ire and promises of extermination while they chant 'Death to America?

    1. They do. Where the fuck have you been?

    2. LOL Anon a mouse speaks loudly. Where is the "dire threats against muslims"..

      I'll wait for your non-answer.

    3. A nation is a distinctly genetic people, not a state. Think “Sioux Nation,” not this conglomeration of mutts that the US has become since 1965z.

    4. Michael, I don't know how I can tell you this but you can find anything on the internet if you put a little effort into it rather than just making mouth noise and ridiculing others.


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