
Monday, April 29, 2024

BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened...

So we have a New Yorker in Florida at his vacation home. He goes to the market to purchase a few things and get's triggered by a 'Let's Go Brandon' bumper sticker.

He thought nobody would know what he did in the parking lot...then the cops show up at his house. He gets embarrassed in front of his wife who had no clue what he'd done.

The charge was : 1. DAMAGE PROP-CRIM MISCH - 1000 DOLS OR MORE Statute: 806.13 1b3 Felony Third Degree

He was let go with no bond after a night in jail, case is still pending.
VIDEO HERE  (11:19 minutes)


This is from a post I put up earlier today at 9:30am. I didn't see the video until about 1pm or I would've included it with the original post.
Man, his wife looks pissed as hell at him. He's never gonna hear the end of this one.

What a dumb fuck. I always assume I'm on somebody's camera anytime I leave my own house.


  1. Throw the book at him. They all fuck around, time they found out.

  2. A similar event happened near here in 2008. A 72 year old man (a member of the Sierra Club and Greenpeace) keyed a Hummer with a motion activated camera system. He was later identified, arrested, charged, and released on a small bond. He was given a short probation since he was "Old and didn't realize what he was doing". Hopefully this jerk will face a stiffer penalty.

    1. Hope the owner sued for damages. Never let 'em off the hook. If he was given 'a short probation' he was found guilty. Take 'em to court on the civil side.

    2. And the activist judge will let him go.
      Better to shoot the fuck in the middle of the night.

  3. Hopefully he ends of with a record for his stupidity.
    Of course when he goes back to new york they'll treat him like a hero.


  4. He must have forgot that he wasn't in NY anymore.

  5. He compounded his stupidity by giving a confession on camera after being properly read his Miranda rights. There is nothing that a lawyer can do for him. He is going to be convicted of a felony. Although he likely won't get jail time for it, he won't be able to vote until his sentence is complete.
    The good news is that this will be one more Democrat vote that the left will have to manufacture.

    1. He won't vote in Florida, but you can bet New York will let him cast his ballot.

  6. He's also going to face a personal responsibility for fixing the car. As in, he's going to get sued civilly, not just prosecuted. Slam dunk, and small enough bill to take him to small claims in a lot of states. That is, no lawyer needed, just file and show up with the tape. Get a judgement. If he won't pay, go get HIS car. And sell it. His insurance won't cover him- intentional acts are excluded. 'Course, he could just pay the damages. I'd give him the chance; he might be smart enough (or his wife might be).

    1. For the civil case, the owner of the truck should wait until he is convicted. Then liability in the civil case is already proved, and all, she has to do is prove damages. For an intentional act such as this, the court can award punitive damages up to nine times the actual damages. A paid bill to repaint the truck is all that’s needed. She should ask for the maximum punitive damages and tell the court that such an award is necessary to discourage this guy and others like him from purposely damaging others’ property.

  7. Were I king of the forest I would offer two options to the asshole.
    #1 You pay the victim quadruple what it would cost to make him whole.
    #2 You spend one full hour in a cinder block cell with the victim and his choice of melee weapons.

  8. Don't just put a lien on his car, put one on the house too. And I will bet the Mrs is visiting a lawyer of her own tomorrow morning to start the process of being shut of this man-child.

    Dude was a good liberal. His 'feelings' justified him damaging the truck and he feels no remorse. He isn't guilty of anything in his mind, that 'stupid Trump supporter' deserved to have his truck damaged.

    I wish the Judge kept him locked up as a flight risk until his trial but his probation probably includes not leaving the state. His sentence should include restitution.

  9. I saw this video over the weekend, yep his wife was pissed at him...... Where did that dumbass think he was to do that ????? Give him 14 days in gen pop, a $10,000 fine, all the repairs to the truck then boot his ass out of the state..

  10. Better yet, maybe he doesn’t come back.

  11. Well, a felony excludes him from having a CCW license. Oh, wait. A New York Liberal. That’s probably a badge of honor.

  12. Fucking punk in a man-suit.

  13. I saw one of those "FJB Edition" badges on a brand new F-150 last year in a parking lot and thought about getting one. My better judgement told me it's not worth getting the attention of some idiot just like this.


  15. Lots and I MEAN ALOT of outa state peeps here! Some are ok some are Idiots!

    Down in Big Pine Key there's a Road Prison (closed just a few years ago)! Back in the Late 70s, I worked down in the Keys with the Florida DOT. We were doin surveys for the new bridges to be built. The Road Prison was were we gassed up our trucks and rigs! If you have seen COOL HAND LUKE movie, well it was just like that! Even had a hot box for malcontents. Occasionally we could see it was occupied! Summer in the Keys is brutal, I remember the road tar would melt at times on US1! A couple of Prisoner's as trustees would go out on the road to be flag men for traffic. On to two would disappear for few hours......they went to visit the mothers! Most came back.......the 70s was a great time in the Keys!!!

  16. FAFO here in Florida; one more reason I'm glad to be here. Back in MA the jagoff would've been given a medal.

  17. Wife developed a fatal allergy to upstate NY winters so we spent 4 months in FL. Never took long to make a good impression on right thinking folks once we got out of the car with the bright orange license plates. There are enough assholes like this in parts of NY that FL doesn’t need ‘em, but there are plenty down there too. Fuck ‘em here, there and everywhere.

  18. that was the best vid I've seen in a good while, goes to show the true left....angry, agitated, aggressive even violent...always have been
    go back to new yuk and enjoy the accolades , maybe the gov will give you an award for bravery or some sorta other loony shit

  19. I really like the way he pretends to not know what this is all about, when the cop starts talking to him. It's like watching a little kid playing dumb, with cake frosting all over his mouth. His wife's frustrated reaction, as the cop lays things out, is pure gold - like she thought he was a dumbass when he first came home bragging about it, and now it's confirmed 100%, and legally binding. The lady whose truck got keyed - glad to see she's pressing charges, and I hope she has good legal advice about following up on the civil suit side for maximum effect. So much for their vacation.

  20. The permanent hands on the hips posture... somebody is in BIG trouble when he gets home from jail!

  21. another one here (stolen from Irish)

  22. Dude's name is Richard Phillip Brothers. The offense he's charged with is a third-class felony that could (but even in Florida probably won't) earn him five years in prison and a $10k fine. Case info here:

    No doubt he'll plead down to something that won't cost him his voting rights or his gun rights. But wouldn't it be a nice bit of justice if his childish little-rich-boy tantrum really ended up hurting him more than a few thousand dollars and his wife's contempt? At least his deed will be on his permanent internet record.


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