
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Commentary: Job Program for Americans-No Jobs for Illegal Aliens, Period

I am weary of hearing the trope that we need more illegal aliens because “Americans won’t work those jobs.” My bet is that most Americans share this sentiment as well.

Amidst a myriad of concerns about illegal immigration, one prominent worry among Americans is the potential adverse effects on the U.S. workforce. There is apprehension that undocumented migrants could potentially displace native-born workers, leading to job loss and further exacerbating the nation’s tax burden. The media and the left love to dismiss such considerations as fearful, xenophobic, and bigoted, arguing instead that alien workers fill a vital gap in the American workforce. But these concerns, nevertheless, are valid.


  1. It's funny we claim to be capitalist to it's time to hire Americans. Their is no job Americans won't do if you either raise the pay rate or modify working conditions or a combination of both.

  2. Nevermind the fact that illegals get free housing, cash and medical care thereby have NO INCENTIVE to actually take a low paying job!

  3. This is news? I think most of us with two brain cells to rub together figured this out years ago.

  4. Since there is little need for the lazy schmucks to work I don't see how they are taking any jobs. Taxes yes, Jobs not so much.

  5. I am curious about one item. Every time I start a new job there is a huge amount of HR paperwork including a form 9 that states I am here legally, and allowed to work. I have to have car insurance , and a driver's license which required my birth certificate, "Real ID" to enter government buildings, and fly if I chose to do so. But an illegal gets a pass on all that and gets benefits that they didn't, and haven't and won't be paying into? Veterans are being bounced in order to shelter illegals, schools are being closed to set them up as shelters, the system is overburdened with our own needy, but we can choose to spread it even further to everyone who has a sob story and crosses the border wether legal or not. I am not anti immigration, I am anti uncontrolled immigration. With no filter, you get whatever the NGO's smuggle up to us.

    1. You must be a white male that speaks English

  6. Keep in mind that higher pay for employees only works if the customers are willing and able to pay more for those goods. There used to be all kinds of "Made in US" tools. But people chose to buy the imports for less money. Same with shoes, clothing, etc.

    It's not that Americans aren't willing to do those jobs, but that Americans aren't willing to pay Americans to do those jobs.

  7. Tyson just showed that they are willing to work for less than American citizens.

    1. But try living for $16.50/hour in NYS, so they'll still be on public assistance. Double win for Tyson!

  8. I noticed everyone killed on the road crew on the Baltimore bridge was an illegal alien.


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