
Monday, April 22, 2024

Dysfunctional and Dangerous

The party of democracy in America is the Democrat party, because they believe in democracy. The Republican party believes in the republic. 

This is the image, the belief, we’re all supposed to have. This is the indoctrination of the masses to believe in this ruse. The Democrat party right now is working as hard as possible to deny the majority its say in politics. It will lie, cheat and steal votes to appear as a majority. Everyone should vote, even though only American citizens are allowed to vote. These are the conflicting messages they shamelessly push. When they say “everyone” they mean, everyone, citizen, non-citizen, tourist, alive or dead is irrelevant, if a ballot can be produced, it should be counted; absentee ballots from Palestine should be counted, as long as they vote Democrat.


  1. Not even every "Citizen" should be allowed to vote. Those that live on the public teat(wellfare, not the SS we all paid into) and do not help pull the wagon should not be allowed to vote.

    1. I'm in favor of going back to having to be a property owning citizen to vote, along with having to pass a civics class and being able to prove you're self sufficient

  2. Thanks to the propensity of people defaulting to emotional reacting and instant gratification the Democrats have discovered the Mad Hatter’s epic pronouncement: "words mean what I say they mean” works. According to the progressive Democrats screaming about "saving democracy"; "democracy" means is what they say it means and millions accept it because they either believe it or thanks to an addiction to the bread & circuses they don't give a shit.

  3. Both parties are just different sides of the same big government, big war, Anti American progressive coin. Not a damn dime's worth of difference.

    1. Graft and corruption for them (our rulers)….
      Trillions of $$$$ are at stake.


  4. I believe the world is full of idiots and entitled people who need a job so the becomea politition

  5. The Republican party is nothing but a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC. They sold out decades ago.

  6. Property owning citizen has a genuine stake in how government is run; government needs to have qualified successful business owners who have experience running a business.
    That's how it was early in the republic, needs to be that way again.
    All we have now are party hacks out for themselves.


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