
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Fucking Stockton.....

The Stockton Police Department is investigating a third fatal shooting in the city on Saturday. 

Stockton police said officers were conducting a welfare check on a 35-year-old man near East Jackson Street and South Wilson Way around 3:11 p.m.. He was found slumped over inside a vehicle with a gunshot wound.


Talk about shithole cities..... I lived about 40 miles south of Stockton and while I've been through it on the freeway many times, I can count the number of times I've actually been in the city itself on my fingers.


  1. - I can count the number of times I've actually been in the city itself on my fingers.

    Let me guess; The middle one?

  2. They need to inject a whole bunch of "not-too-brown" border crossers from countries around the world into Stockton to dilute the dark chocolate indigenous population. It's sort of like using a weak variation of the deadly disease to train the body to combat the full-blown deadly version.

  3. Moved out in 1997, have not looked back.

  4. I seem to recall that Stockton went bankrupt a few years ago. Of course it could be 20 years or more for all I know. I haven't even driven through since the 1970s.

  5. Stockton and all the small towns between Modesto where all ag towns and slowly they all became bedroom communities for the Bay Area, houses popped up where fields were and as with many company towns when the jobs dried up, people left leaving the bottom dwellers who then outnumbered decent people and problems started.

  6. During all my travels here, there, everywhere-mostly on my own- Stockton is the only place I felt unsafe.
    A couple of me!anon enriched brigands with an invisible to me get-away driver (blacked out windows) made an attempt to car-Jack me.
    This was back in the early 90s.


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