
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Left To Their Own Devices

This rich and sometimes compelling book touches on multiple newsworthy themes, but its central thesis will come as no surprise to anyone who closely follows U.S. politics. Joe Biden "ran for president as a staunch moderate," but since taking office he has "applied his pragmatic moderate branding on a far more left-wing set of policy prescriptions than the Democratic Party had ever offered."

That’s not simply the authors’ conclusion; it’s enthusiastically vouched for by some of the most far-left members of Congress. Minnesota representative Ilhan Omar told them that Biden is "proud of the image that he crafted as a centrist and moderate," but in actuality he "is now repeating the policy positions of Bernie Sanders."


  1. Left to their own devices they will do nothing but watch pointless cats videos

  2. Cho Bi Den is a moderate about like I'm a prima ballerina.


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