
Thursday, April 11, 2024

“Our officers knew right away that something was wrong”

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Two people are facing charges for allegedly hoarding dozens of live and deceased animals in and outside Las Vegas, the 8 News Now Investigators at Nexstar’s KLAS have learned.


  1. It seems in many of these animal hoarding cases, the perpetrators are elderly. I suspect a lot of them are well-meaning people with good intentions and it just gets out of control.

    1. While we're not exactly in the same situation, we're definitely starting down that path.

      Due to the shitty economy, people can't afford to eat...let alone feed their pets. So they dump them.

      When they dump them, they drive a few miles off the road to the "middle of nowhere". Well...the "middle of nowhere" is my property.

      We have 5 cats that we've taken in over the years as strays. We have one old dog we got when my first kid was born, the other 3 were dumped strays...and one of them was pregnant. We took her to the vet, but the dog was only a week away from giving she our living room. Great life experience for my kids...but we suddenly had 11 new dogs to take care of.

      We took mom back to the vet to get her fixed, and then took all the puppies when they were ready. Getting them their shots and getting them all fixed cost ~$1,500.

      We tried to sell them to good homes...but no one wanted to pay $100 per dog to help offset the costs and Facebook thinks animals aren't property so you can't buy or sell them on their platform.

      We were sinking into debt with the dog bills and food costs...not to mention our living room looked like an episode of animal hoarders. If the police or CPS had showed up during that 4 month period, I'm sure all of the animals would have been seized and the kids wouldn't be with us anymore.

      We started offering the dogs for free. Some probably went to good homes, some probably went to bad homes.

      We still have 6 dogs, and a stray just showed up on the property a few days ago.

      Well...what are my options? I can't afford it. I have no room for it.
      It's illegal in my state to just shoot a dog for no reason--it's animal cruelty....but if I take it in, the vet bills will deprive my kids of food....and it's illegal and immoral to starve kids...and the local Sheriff is no help because the local shelter "isn't accepting animals at this time" (it's been 3 years and they still aren't accepting).

      I don't really blame the people for dumping their dogs. Between the shit economy and horrible government laws, you're basically stuck with a dog no matter what and you better hope the government doesn't catch you killing or hoarding dogs. Either way you're screwed. You'll either go to jail (and in my state lose your gun rights) for disposing of dogs, or you'll be made an example of on the internet and on blogs for being a crazy hoarder who starved dogs instead of starving children.

      The one way out that totally sucks and is vaguely immoral is to report the stray to the SO, then wait until it starts attacking your livestock or being aggressive...then shoot it and call the sheriff (or just shovel and shut up about it).

      If I had as much money as Bill Gates, this wouldn't be a problem. I'd just buy 50 acres, pay someone to fence it, and have a bunch of dogs that no one wanted. But unfortunately I don't. Fuck Biden, fuck this economy, and fuck shitty state laws.

    2. You sound like a good man, Anon. Too bad the economy and desperate / thoughtless people are putting you in this no-win situation.

    3. Well...I'd like to think so. Hopefully I get to hear the phrase "Well done my good and faithful servant" and not the dreaded "Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness".


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