
Monday, April 15, 2024

Poll Finds Biden Hemorrhaging Support Among Crucial Voting Block — Even as They Trend Democrat on Key Issues

President Joe Biden is losing support among Latinos ahead of the 2024 election despite the crucial voting block moving toward the Democratic Party on key issues, a Tuesday poll found. 

Support for Biden among Latino Americans has steadily declined since the last time the question was asked in June 2023, and he now holds only a nine-point favorability lead over former President Donald Trump, according to an Axios/Ipsos survey. The poll also found that Latinos are backing Democrats on the issues of abortion and immigration, and are trending toward the party on the economy and crime.


  1. Obviously the slaves didn't hear or forgot that ole Joe said: "If you vote for Trump you ain't black".

  2. The crucial voting block that will keep a democrat as president happens after 3am. Those printers will be screaming and it will take a fleet of postal trucks.


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