
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Prepping 101: The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos

VIDEO HERE (48:06 minutes) 
-Jeffery in Alabama


  1. Glenn is an person no one should take advice from, he still hasn't joined the IDF to assist in his countries victory against HAMAS! I think Ben Shapiroo is his live child.

    Chutes Magoo

  2. Beans bandaids and bullets. Piled high and stacked deep.

  3. Bleep the IDF. No concern to me of knowledge. What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?

  4. Two things about Glenn.

    First, he supported Hillary over Trump. He advised we should elect the hildebeast because DJT was crass, crude, mean, and a businessman. Really. I heard him say it. I am not suggesting that anyone support DJT or that he was our knight in shining armor, but H would have been a disaster for this country.

    Second, during the Covid mess and the Antifa/Blm riots he suggested that we should stand tall and allow these idiots to destroy society and that, if we were physically assaulted, we should turn the other cheek and allow them to pummel us to the ground. I was in a car waiting for my wife to see the eye doctor (spouses not allowed in because of the covid) and turned on her car radio. It was tuned to GB and he I heard him make that asinine statement and several like pronouncements.

    He may have once give good advice, but he went off the deep end and has no credibility with me. I would not follow his advice and do not listen to anything that blithering idiot suggests, even if he was demonstrably standing at the right hand of God.

  5. I can't even look at that English Cigarette much less listen to him.

  6. No matter what you do to prep, STFU and don't brag about it when out in public or on Faceshnook FFS.

    1. Best advice

      Case in point: while visiting a close family member, I commented that he needs to increase his pantry.
      He took me to a back room to show concealed storage. Hoo boy, was I surprised. He and me are close but I had no idea. And that's the way it should be. I commented him for being right lipped.

    2. Everyone has seemed to have forgotten "The walls have ears". In today's world that means your cellphone and other smart devices.

  7. At one time Beck was beating everyone else in cable news then he fell into a deep dark place.... Eventually pops back up with his own network and eventually dousing himself in cheetos dustpowder........... Personally I don't believe he is in anyplace too give anyone advice...


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