
Thursday, April 04, 2024

Responding to Terror

In 2001, the United States embarked on the War on Terror, rallying the world not just to fight terrorists but to replace autocratic and tribal societies with liberal democratic regimes, despite the lack of local interest. That approach now looks hopelessly wrongheaded.


  1. The US will not defeat the jihad because 1/2 the people (Democrat voters) are on its side. The people need to shoot each other for a decade to figure out which side prevails before any foreign enemy might be defeated.

    We'll find out
    Sooner or later
    If Achmed'll pray
    To a glowing crater

  2. NOW(!!??!!) looks hopelessly wrongheaded. Looked like a bad idea from the git-go.

  3. The War on The People by its own government.
    The installation of the Patriot Act devastated our country.

  4. I had already been in the Army 16 years when this started, and when I left 6yrs later, the Army I joined in '85 was dead and gone. What they did to the soldiers was criminal. They signed up for 4 years but you couldn't ETS 3 months prior to a unit deployment or 3 months after. The Army literally would deploy a guy for 18 months who had less than 6 months of service left, then when he got back, transfer him to another unit on post getting deployed, ETS be dammed. Think you see light at the end of the tunnel? Hell no, it's a freight train ready to flatten your ass. Knew guys who did 6+ years of mostly deployments on a 4 yr enlistment. They were all combat arms. No wonder they were bitter.

  5. Maybe the next time a bunch of SAUDIS hijack planes and crash them into stuff, at least destroy the country that actually deserves it.

  6. Yes they have had plenty of practice, actually supporting any side they think will be friendly to us, and now they are using the skills honed over the last 80 years to do the same to our GOV.


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