
Monday, April 29, 2024

Seriously, dude?

TRACY — A 29-year-old man was arrested after authorities said he was driving the wrong way on a Tracy freeway while drunk and with an 18-month-old in the back seat.


  1. that is one thing that has stood out in western PA.. first time I went there, I was amazed at just how many wrong way signs there where. like 3-4 on each main road/street ?
    then talking with a local old timer, he pointed out there was a real problem with DUI there.
    and when he said more than a few drivers of 10-20 ton dump trucks where arrested for that. well, I stay clear of them guys . so, I pick the times I am on the road anymore with a lot more thought than I ever would have given it before. thank God I am retired as I would hate to get hit my some drunk driver. life is too short for that.

  2. Maybe he identifies as a British Driver?

    1. He can soon identify as a felon. Good riddance.


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