
Thursday, April 11, 2024

So send what you can to the man with the diamond ring.....*

 *Dire Straits, Ticket to Heaven


  1. Imagine that, oh well just like the rich man he will thirst for water

    1. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."

  2. Wow just wow. The stupid things people sell their soul for. Not worth it for an eternity in hell. -sammy

  3. I have totally rediscovered that band a few months ago on my streaming service. Theres a bunch of really good music they made, that never made the radio.

  4. Soaking poor, elderly Christians seems to be a good way to make a living.

    1. He will be judged accordingly for the "soaking".

  5. Raking it in from the rubes, uh, I mean the faithful.

  6. But really, he's a piker compared to this guy -

  7. Reminds me of that old gospel hymn. Sing it with me!
    "Fleecing all the Sheep, Fleecing all the Sheep, we will be rejoicing, Fleecing ALL the Sheep."

  8. Buys yer fantasy denomination and takes yer chances. I go with this one I descovered back 50+ years ago cause I be embracing di-vers-ity:


    Just send it.

  10. Look on youtube for "belching preacher", that's him & the timing is perfect.

  11. You know you got to go through hell
    Before you get to heaven

    1. I visited D.C. back in 1989, accidently drove through the South Side of Chicago back in 1998, and sat through 20 minutes of a recent Willie concert (2019), does that count?

  12. That's a better use than donations going to fund the illegal imigration like some organized religions are doing.

  13. Copeland is not a Pastor.

  14. And (from what I've heard) if you're on Eagle Mountain Lake and get too close to his house, the local po-po will chase you away.

  15. And his whole compound sits right on top of the Barnett Shale. On Google earth I can see at least 4 hydrofracture gas wells on his property. He's raking in money from natural gas production under his tax exempt status.

  16. Creflo Dollar gets my vote to become a member of the 'Man of the Cloth Hall of Shame'. When his private jet needed an engine replacement, he asked his elderly congregants to donate $1000 so he could by a new Gulfstream. His work was "that important".

    You've got to love a televangelist with a name like Dollar.

  17. FWIW, Wikipedia says Kenneth Copeland's 2021 net worth was $750 million.

  18. It's not a private airport, it's a former WWII Marine airbase which was decommissioned and sold off. His home is on the former base, right next to Eagle Mountain Lake.

  19. Separating fools from their money is almost as important to organized religion as fomenting meaningless wars.

  20. Pasture Copeland-and we all know what a pasture's full of.

  21. This does not surprise me, I moved to Texas 8 years ago and was astonished by the quantity of and size of the Mega Churches in the Houston Suburbs. Drive by during a service and there are 500 cars + in the parking lot. I grew up in the Catholic Church, I truly believe, however I don't feel I need to give away my income to support a church. Especially when originations like the Catholic Charities are adding and abetting the importation of an invading army.

  22. My Dad was a Southern Baptist pastor. He preached at small, rural churches for peanuts, usually working one or two other jobs to keep us clothed and fed, yet he always made time to visit the sick and elderly and spent at least one or two days a month working with young men in prison. He did all this out of love for the Lord and his fellow man, because it sure wasn’t for the money. Most pastors I know have a lot more in common with my Dad than with Kenneth Copeland or Joel Osteen. The Good Lord will deal with them in his own good time.

    1. It's amazing that guys like Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen can delude themselves into thinking the Lord would approve of their graft simply because they believe they're men of God.
      Their reward will be in Heaven. I'm sure your father's reward was too, in a completely different way.

      "The Smiling Pastor" and his $600,000 a week church collection really gets under my skin, as does his trophy wife and their 27,000 square foot home.


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