
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tennessee bill to ban slavery reparations draws opposition

A Memphis pastor has started a petition against a bill that would prohibit the study of reparations for descendants of slaves in Tennessee, and in two days, it has more than 500 signatures. 

State Sen. Brent Taylor (R-Shelby County) is sponsoring the Senate version of the bill, SB0429.


  1. Looks like Da natives and their white liberal college programmed slaves are restless.

  2. Go ahead and slap that race war into reality.

  3. I think the legislature is going to call their bluff and pass the bill. Not many in favor of it here; Memphis, sure- it's all black anyway. But elsewhere? And the repubs here have a pretty good history of ignoring the screams and tantrums. Not perfect, but damn good.

  4. I think we should repatriate all those African-Americans to Africa. They will be much happier and wealthier, wiser too. One way ticket and $5000. We can then get back to being Americans

    1. Liberia is a for real place

  5. First off I hate the idea of reparations. Nearly every group that came to America suffered from discrimination at one time or another. Black people want reparations for anyone who has dark skin, no matter if they had ancestors that were slaves or not.
    I know that there were no slave holders in my ancestry, at least not in this country. I don't know about my ancestors in Scotland or Europe.

    1. EXACTLY!!!!
      Dad was 2nd generation off the potato boat, married Mom when he was stationed in Germany. Nobody in my family ever owned slaves, so, I will NOT be paying for anything.

  6. I think the biggest part of the problem starts with a complete lack of truth/knowledge/education about the who, what ,how it all happened in the first place and put the blame on the who made it happen ... The black community has been led to believe (all that crap) by the same demonkkkrat party that did it to them in the first place .. Most of the other comments are somewhat reasonable but they would never even try to understand any other options ( sry , SeditionApril 11, 2024 at 4:32 PM , I think we all hope to avoid that as a worst case scenario , but yeah , I'm glad 'm in Canada , it will be a messy solution ) That demographic needs to learn that it was the left they love and vote for that did this to them , and was only less than 2% of population that actually had slaves , also one of the first and some of them were other blacks ... Way too much propoganda and not nearly enough truth tought to them about the Right/Republicans gvmnt giving /voting for their freedom(s) and Demonkkkratic party voting against it all ... Sry Kenny , tried to make this as short as possible , love the blog , been a daily read for a looooong time now ... Muchos gratos for all the entertainment

  7. Interesting question is, what if you are a "halfrican"? If you are a 50/50 mixed person, do you only get half the allotted reparation? What if you are a "white" person with a few drops of black ancestry? Do you get some pittance, or are you entitled to the whole reparation? How will the state sort that out? 23 and me? If they want to pay out, sure, I'm half black... below the waist. Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you can't... since race is a "social construct." The way things are going, I sure FEEL black.

  8. So, when do Americans get reparations for being deprived of their property? When do Americans get a refund from Africa for being sold lemons? I'm owed for about 20-30 slaves, who's guna pay for them? Better yet, lets just call it even and move along.

    - Arc

  9. I never owned a slave and you never picked cotton, so, I think we're done here.

  10. A pastor? Sounds like a grand opportunity to fund a reparations fund with a special tax on churches.

  11. Is the pastor, you know, black or something?

  12. Make those who benefitted from racism pick up the tab. I'm looking at all you Affirmative Action beneficiaries. DEI winners? Pay up. African slave sellers? Better call your attorneys.

  13. Nobody alive today was a slave nor slave owner unless we are discussing the cartel POS the retard pretending to be president have put out the welcome mat to.


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