
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signs bill to consider public safety as first consideration for bail

The process of setting bail is changing as two bills hit Governor Lee’s desk. One bill makes public safety the priority when setting bail.

The other eliminates affordability from the question when setting the bail amount.

On Friday, Governor Bill Lee signed House Bill 1642 into law. The law goes into effect on July 1.


  1. Don't celebrate too soon. The obsessed, neurotic progressive minions in the ACLU and SPLC are already marching to the liberal courts with their law suits.

  2. Belive it when I see it happening over just words

  3. Public safety is more important than how many VOTES Die Partei can get?
    Weird governor.

  4. Severity of the crime then danger to society followed by the chances of the perp showing vs not showing up for court....... Ability to pay and public opinion are not legitimate concerns especially for violent crimes


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