
Monday, April 15, 2024

That's a hard pass

I will admit it's a pretty city - from a distance and upwind.



  1. Been there many times, mostly in the 70s & early 80s, beautiful but man, you can keep it now. Would not live there if it was free

  2. “I should have put a volcano there.”
    -god probably

    “You know, it’s not too late”
    -normal Americans

    TMF Bert

  3. Haven't been there in over 50 years (1973), guess its probably changed a bit. Was stationed at Travis AFB 70-73. Seemed like California had everything you could want, mountains, ocean desert forests etc

    1. You are correct. A physically beautiful place of unique charm.

  4. I can see my house!

    1. 4th dumpster on the left if anyone is wondering 🤔

  5. California is a most beautiful state, just as Tsgt Joe says. I'd still be there if it weren't for the looney's and lefties turning it into Cuba/Venezuela.

  6. This is one of the few major cities where a dog can end up stepping in human $hit.

  7. A strong earthquake would do wonders for that place, followed by a mass-conflagration style fire. Problem is that the ones that lived would move out of there to other parts of US. In the end it's just better to keep the infection contained to the bay area.

  8. We left there in the summer of 75 and moved to WNC. Still live within about 60 miles from Cullowhee, NC.

    When we left, Reagan was still governor and Pete Wilson was Mayor of San Diego. SoCal was a great place to live back then.

  9. Just finished working there last month.

    It is just as nasty as all the stories claim.

    I expected SoCal to be a war zone, but it is only slightly worse than it was in the 90s. Oakland, however has become straight up Mad Max.

    I was never so happy to drive through AZ in my life.


  10. Have 2nd hand memories of S.F. Grandmother and her mother lived in S.F. in the '30s. Grandma revisited often through the early '70s. Mom and Dad visited off and on through the late '70s. All agreed it was a "world class" city. I often dreamed of living there ... sort of a modern Nick Charles looking for his Nora. Commies ruin everything.


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